in Chinese listening challenge, May 2023

289 minutes

82 + 94 + 113 minutes JTTW audiobook 29 - 31. Finished the last listen through this series!

Which JTTW version/series is it you are mentioning here?

579 minutes

Conversation lesson with tutor, estimate 15 minutes of listening.
494 minutes JTTW audiobook 22 - 28, mostly background listening.
Random youtube and bilibili - about 70 minutes.

643 minutes

458 JTTW audiobook 16 - 21. Was more than expecting, but was doing work with it on in the background a lot of the day.
10 minutes random youtube.
175 minutes: Episodes 28 - 30 of Till the End of the Moon (with some rewatching because the final plot as a tad hard to follow). Finally done the series!

394 minutes

76 + 94 + 79 JTTW audiobook 13 - 15
40 minutes random youtube
105 minutes - episodes 36 and 37 of Till the End of the Moon.

525 minutes

Very high numbers today cause I'm binging the rest of Till the End of the Moon.
90 minutes - listening to more of Genesis.
75 minutes JTTW audiobook 12
360 minutes - Till the End of the Moon episodes 28 - 34

405 minutes

285 - minutes JTTW audiobooks 8-11.
Till the End of the Moon episodes 26 - 27.
Conversation with language partner, estimate 20 minutes of listening to her speak mandarin.

205 minutes

Till the End of the Moon episodes 22 - 25. I thought I only watched three episodes, but it turns out I got really invested and watched four. But who's complaining about extra chinese immersion?!

375 minutes

It's funny how as the challenge has progressed, I've gotten much more comfortable with listening whenever I have time!
345 minutes - Journey to the West audiobooks 1-7. This was kinda laziness on my part, was busy today so I couldn't find something new to listen to, so I went back through these. But was delighted to discover they take much less effort to understand now!
30 minutes - HSK mock test listening section.

230 minutes

200 Till the End of the Moon episode 18-21
30 minutes - reading aloud with friends.

390 minutes

30 minutes - Rainbow bridge audibooks (Mr Dongguo, Ye Xian, Yue Fei)
360 minutes - 岳飛的故事 audiobook of abridged Story of Yue Fei by Sinolingua (I read the story a few weeks ago, so now it's time to listen). Listened through twice!

150 minutes

Till the End of the Moon episodes 15 - 17.

286 minutes

Lots of background listening, less engaged listening.
15 minutes Mulan audiobook.
271 minutes Dashu mandarin podcast (still not understanding that much of what they say).

130 minutes

100 minutes - Till the End of the Moon episode 13 - 14
15 minutes - conversation class with tutor, estimate 15 minutes of listening time.
15 minutes - Mulan audiobook

289 minutes

82 minutes relisten to JTTW audiobook 29 - I was really engaged while listening to this and had no problems at all following along with the story.
95 minutes relisten to JTTW audiobook 30.
112 minutes relisten to JTTW audiobook 31.

267 minutes

95 minutes - JTTW audiobook 30.
112 minutes - JTTW audiobook 31.
60 minutes (approx) reading/listening to a book with friends (ie. listening to them reading aloud).

367 minutes

135 minutes - listening to an audio version of the book of Genesis from the Bible. An interesting listen, cause I already know the stories, but the actual vocab is above my level, but I could piece together a lot of what was happening.
82 minutes - JTTW audiobook 29.
150 minutes - 3 episodes of Till the End of the Moon. These got really plot heavy in terms of people speaking and I don't have too much of an idea what's happening at the moment.

Yes, Bible vocabulary is tough!

426 minutes

Big listening day because I had some pretty easy, but time-consuming tasks to do for much of the day where I was able to listen in the background!
140 minutes JTTW audiobook 27, listened twice.
160 minutes JTTW audiobook 28, listened twice.
96 minutes Dashu mandarin podcast.
30 minutes - conversation with language partner, I estimate about 30 minutes of me listening to her speak mandarin. Unrelated to the listening challenge, but I did a pretty decent job of expressing myself and speaking, and she was understanding pretty much everything I said!

164 minutes

14 minutes - 2 Bluey episodes.
150 minutes - episodes 7-9 of Till the End of the Moon.

208 minutes

78 minutes JTTW audiobook 25 re-listen.
57 minutes JTTW audiobook 26 re-listen.
73 minutes Dashu mandarin podcast - 'Fluency vs accuracy when learning chinese'. The guest kindly spoke quite slowly, so I understood more of this than normal! This was quite active listening (full attention on it).

106 minutes

56 minutes JTTW audiobook 24 re-listen.
50 minutes Till the End of the Moon episode 6.

285 minutes

56 minutes - JTTW audiobook 24.
78 minutes - JTTW audiobook 25.
57 minutes - JTTW audiobook 26.
79 minutes - Dashu mandarin podcast.
15 minutes - conversation class with tutor, estimate 15 minutes of listening time. Honestly did a terrible job of listening to her today, because I'd been doing uni assignments right until class and my brain was not in chinese mode.

193 minutes

This whole leaderboard is making me really competitive haha!

Bluey episode - 7 minutes
86 minutes - Dashu mandarin podcast episode.
100 minutes Till the End of the Moon episodes 4 and 5. There was one bit I totally didn't understand, so I rewatched it, still didn't understand and I guess that's the joy of watching something in a language you're learning!

320 minutes

80 minutes relistening to JTTW audiobook 21.
70 minutes relistening to JTTW audiobook 22.
80 minutes JTTW audiobook 23 (actually listened to this twice, but the first time I was absolutely losing my mind over work, and paid zero attention at all, so not counting that haha).
90 minutes Dashu mandarin podcast.

15 minutes

Conversation class with tutor - estimate 15 minutes of listening - I'm doing a lot better at understanding what she says (when she uses words I know already).

281 minutes

15 minutes background listening in morning.
80 minutes for JTTW audiobook 21.
70 minutes for JTTW audiobook 22.
116 minutes Dashu mandarin podcast (I understand so little of these, it's sad).

82 minutes

Relistened to JTTW book 20.
Also an episode of Bluey - this one was harder to understand sadly.

75 minutes

JTTW audiobook 20.

147 minutes

Second listen through JTTW audiobooks 18 and 19, again mostly in the background cause I got distracted by stuff. It's a little frustrating that I can understand everything, but only if I'm actively tuned into it.

50 minutes

Episode 3 of 'Till the End of the Moon'. There's one particular female demon character that I cannot understand pretty much anything of. They add some sort of sound effects to her voice and just her way of speaking means I didn't catch any of it.

30 minutes

One and a bit episodes of Tea time chinese (23 minutes) while cooking dinner.
One episode of Bluey - Camping (7 minutes). Really excited that I understood pretty much everything they said (it's a kids show)!

147 minutes

JTTW audiobook 18 and 19. Mostly background listening - I can understand everything they say when I am paying attention, but less so when I'm not paying active attention (I have read the whole series in this version already, so that really helps with the comprehension and knowing the vocab).

50 minutes

Episode 2 of 'Till the end of the Moon', watching without subtitles. I think I'm understanding about 25%, sometimes getting full sentences, other times only catching random words. Definitely following enough to understand roughly what's going on (with the aid of watching of course).

I'm watching "Till the end of the Moon" too!

80 minutes

Relistened to JTTW audiobook 17 in the background while doing other stuff.

30 minutes

Conversation with language partner. Lasted 2 hours, estimate I listened to about 30 minutes of her speaking chinese. It was quite exciting that I'm starting to understand a good amount of what she says in chinese (previously it was too fast or hard to process)!

80 minutes

JTTW audiobook 17.

74 minutes

JTTW audiobook 16.

80 minutes

Second listen of JTTW audiobook 15.

80 minutes

JTTW audiobook 15.

90 minutes

JTTW audiobook 14.

45 minutes

First episode of "Till the end of the moon", watching without subtitles, so that it's an exercise in listening!

75 minutes

JTTW audiobook 13.

75 minutes

JTTW audiobook 11.

75 minutes

JTTW audiobook 12.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:148.1%
Hours reported148.12