in Chinese reading challenge, November 2023
35 minutes 0.58h
WordSwing: Into the Haze.
30 minutes 0.5h
Clavis Sinica (once on my own, once with audio): 病不起的老人们.
WordSwing: Into the Haze.
12 minutes 0.2h
Clavis Sinica (once on my own, once with audio): Gender Equality, 100 Years Later; Aids in China.
20 minutes 0.33h
Clavis Sinica (once on my own, once with audio): 中国式结婚 -- "剩女"现象; 北京的乞丐.
23 minutes 0.38h
Clavis Sinica (once on my own, once with audio): 谁是好心人; 说说农民工; 她为什么选择安乐死; 富和腐就象亲兄弟; 和平.
14 minutes 0.23h
Clavis Sinica (once on my own, once with audio): 该不该抵制? ; 只有一个地球; 女博士.
29 minutes 0.48h
Slow Chinese podcasts (once on my own, once with audio): 77 - 中国的“第一夫人”; 78 - 在中国谈恋爱有多贵; 79 - 李志.
30 minutes 0.5h
Slow Chinese podcasts (once on my own, once with audio): 74 - 舌尖上的中国; 75 - 中国好声音; 76 - 豆浆和油条.
30 minutes 0.5h
Slow Chinese podcasts (once on my own, once with audio): 71 - 逃跑计划; 72 - 嫦娥和玉兔; 73 - 锵锵三人行.
44 minutes 0.73h
Slow Chinese podcasts (once on my own, once with audio): 67 - 土豪; 68 - 微博的力量; 69 - 长寿面; 70 - 古筝.
30 minutes 0.5h
Read sample lessons on The Chairman's Bao, HSK levels 4-6.
25 minutes 0.42h
Read sample lessons on The Chairman's Bao, HSK levels 1 to 3.
25 minutes 0.42h
小蘑菇 chapter 1, Kuaikan Manhua
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 5.77 |
Rank | 13th |
Hours reported | 5.77 |
Goal | 7h |