in Chinese vocabulary challenge, December 2024

60 minutes

自我导向词汇复习。 self directed reviewing.

45 minutes


60 minutes


120 minutes


45 minutes

OMGosh 我非常喜欢今天的故事, 今天的词汇。from my early morning adventures speaking, bitranslation and reviewing lesson notes, I have gleaned the words that I need to survive today. They are gorgeous.
Check this one out-
我们在这里大喊大叫,上蹿下跳... Here we are yelling and jumping up and down.
this is a reference to NZ being on the bottom of the world, and everyone overlooking us-- so we remediate this by....我们在这里大喊大叫,上蹿下跳.... HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONES.新年祝福。。。

24 minutes

新词汇。 In context review.

10 minutes

小小的复习,以后游泳! little review, afterwards... swimming!

60 minutes

早晨的复习。 没有S R S。Also gathering a new load of today's to be learned words from 今天的故事。这是一个自我说话的故事。It started with an owl.. 开始的时是猫头鹰。。。。

20 minutes

自我选自复习。。。 self selected reviews, in context!!! Combining effortlessly with self dialoging and tone height 练习。

33 minutes

Encoding. From 流利历险。 fluency adventures.

45 minutes

encoding arising from conversation adventure.

75 minutes

One hour speaking and using today's new words... then some reviewing, plus I have a new list of words to be added to today's bag when I complete the review of all of today's words.

1 minutes

I entered this 挑战 challenge seeing it as an opportunity to change my whole approach to learning 新词汇, new vocab. The very first thing I did was to learn that word, which I have since used constantly.
Given that 20 days is a powerful window, I decided to devote iit to trying something completely new.
For a year I had used SRS faithfully, not missing a single day. But for a Lot of that time I felt that the return on time invested was extremely poor, compared to other 流利方法, fluency options, such as speaking, writing, listening and reading.
It was a scary choice, but I was encouraged by this 挑战, to take it, knowing that I could both monitor my own progress, and use the public forum to hold myself accountable.
O my gosh, I could not be more happy with the results.
I now know why SRS was not working for me. I now know that I learn things in context only. I need that additional adrenaline rush of joy associated with writing, speaking and listening to get things successfully encoded. And yeah, I forget stuff, that sometimes amazingly pops out of my mouth when I need it just because it has been washing around for long enough that is there when needed. And I forget stuff, that I go reencode when the need arises. No biggie.
What this challenge has given me, is both an entirely new approach to a major aspect of 我的流利, my fluency, together with a better understanding of who I am and how I learn.
自我信任 Zìwǒ xìnrèn SELF TRUST
Iam learning to trust myself and the way learning 新东西 new stuff works for me. To trust my amazing brain to get on with the important stuff without needing a SRS crutch to force things along. Painfully.
I continue to use my SRS deck for encoding and for daily deep dives connected with that. I also use the Outlier Lnguistics Pleco Add On a lot for understanding components and how they work. Both are totally invaluable.
I occasionally do a few SRS flashcards. Can be kind of cool too.
Thanks Ollie for this opportunity. I think this is my 4th Challenge. I have learned something every time about who I am as a 流利的普通话使用者。
Some time ago I decided to stop calling myself a learner.
From the moment I consciously embarked on the adventure of speaking to others in 普通话, 我开始琉璃的历险。I began fluency.
Thanks Ollie, thanks everyone on this challenge. Without your being here with me, this would not be happening now. I am grateful to you all and send my New Years blessings and love. From 新西兰。Look Down. Here we are, jumping up and down and yelling , just so you notice us.
In our attractive summer bathing costumes.

I just bitranslated everything here. Aloud. A really useful exercise, and 新的词汇 new vocab was involved. cool exercise for a few minutes. 现在... 游泳!

110 minutes

来来去去 lái lái qù qù - something that "comes and goes" . Like fluency.

80 minutes


25 minutes

FAVOURITE WORD OF THE DAY- 随便把。suíbiàn ba “Whatever!" What is not to love? What is your coolest word of the day?

I love 随时 suishi because I used Shakira as my living link and always singing "whenever" when I get to that word 🤣

45 minutes

After Chinese lesson with new teacher, some 词汇历险记 (vocab adventures)

10 minutes


1 minutes

Ollie your challenges are freaking awesome. They really help me to focus and develop insights...and then afterwards to integrate this into the whole adventure. Christmas hugs, Janette

I wholeheartedly agree with you Janette!

60 minutes

morning bitranslation adventures with reviewing/learning 词汇. Awesome. 现在游泳!

20 minutes

Morning reviews. Trying to say "of his work only four poems remain"- 他的作品只剩下四首诗。
Tā de zuòpin3 zhǐ shèng xià(only remaining) sì shou3 shī. Seems better than the way I was trying yesterday

60 minutes

reviewing and learning new words connected w Tang poet who lived a failed life..

45 minutes

doing some actual review cards.

20 minutes

reviewing this morning's new vocab

15 minutes

working on bitranslation. 词汇 component of a longer exercise connected with Tang poet's biography.

40 minutes

learning words connected with Tang poem research. Cool. Who can live without the word for "poem" 诗句?

90 minutes

Wrote a poem Christmas night in response to a Tang poem sent by my teacher. Very simple. Learning needed words and reviewing.

圣诞节 深夜。shèngdàn jié(christmas) shēnyè.


Let's sit together on the roof
with the old stork,
and gaze into infinity.

20 minutes

Celebrating the quiet Christmas hour with words for looking into infinity on the roof of Stork Pavilion, with a Chinese friend, and an old Stork... Wishing you a Christmas filled with inextinguishable Wonder and Grace.

116 minutes

Christmas Eve and no internet, reviewing from my notebook and also reviewing my pronunciation lesson, which is not counted in this time. Very cool. Enjoyed myself.

20 minutes

new vocab

15 minutes

more at will (non SRS reviewing.

45 minutes

new words arising, some reviews necessary.Now listening to Dong Qing while typing, and regretting all the time this morning when I might nave been listening... while typing/learning..

45 minutes

new words related to yesterday's adventures speaking Chinese with strangers/ (new friends). I am filled with awe..敬畏 Jìngwèi.. over how incredibly logical and efficient the Chinese language is. "You want to say I confused a and b." Simple. What did you DO (搞)? You MIXED THEM UP (混)
搞混了 Gǎo hùnle to confuse (do/mix up)
BTW this was quite an amusing mix up, and my listener was very gracious and did not laugh outright in my face.
Ollie ... as a direct result of this adventure, I am now reading up your posts on sound and meaning components. thus the new learning leads to more new learning, leads to more...

20 minutes


40 minutes

writing about the early morning fairy mist and learning new words.

10 minutes

轻轻的复习。。 light review, mini session

16 minutes

吃早饭,复习新词汇。 eat breakfast, review words.

90 minutes

一些词汇 and listening to Dong Qing 朗读者 at the same time. Currently the reader is using an amusing dialect. I actually understood a couple words, and this is only the second time I have heard the same episode. Our brain is wonderful. And our language angels. The reader,right now, is crying, 我不知道为什么,但这让我很感动。Thanks for sharing this challenge with me.

45 minutes

some reviews and some words that have been on my mind all day.

30 minutes

end of day, learning a few vocab from Teatime Chinese, and father talking in his sleep. 在我的本是很多的词汇。

45 minutes

SOME REVIEWS AND A FREAKING AWESOME NEW WORD WHICH MEANS, LITERALLY, "messy cake" or OOPS! or rotten bad luck... "糟糕“ zao1gao1. A longer session, claiming part. Lots of fun.

20 minutes

Watching Dong Qing 朗读者, and collecting 词汇。 Also JTTW and some new words. Good day.

50 minutes

longer session of reading/ acquiring vocab and alternating with short manual and SRS reviews. Enjoyed everything, only claiming part.

I luckily am on spotify premium trial and on there they have lots of Mandarin audiobooks as mentioned on the discord I have tried a couple but not sure yet. The first link shared was the best so far though its a murder mystery I found another which was more my level of chinese but struggling with the narration

mentioned because you are reading and you mentioned turning off screen. I tried both last night

30 minutes

A LONGER EARLY MORNING SESSION- alternating reading and vocab reviewing (manually), with a bit of vocab learning.


11 minutes

before bed quick review of last couple day new wordses.

75 minutes

working on vocab acquisition for a Tang dynasty style poem I wrote today. My first poem in a formal ancient Chinese style.

60 minutes

was little achieved, or a lot? It all began with something someone said to me in Chinese, and something I wanted to write... and ended in words connected with 情。Nothing was completely new to me, yet out of the pieces I built a better understanding and ease with how to use them. it is out of these time consuming and seemingly awkward moments that fluency gradually awakens.

10 minutes

quick before bed look through some 词汇。That was a new word at the beginning of the challenge.

60 minutes

arising from a simple conversational need--- Building Lego Rafts, and being especially excited about the possibilities of 讲。 jia3ng Wondering why we are not taught more words like this. Building a Lego raft, one single character words unlocks a world of communication possibilities. I can say/ talk/ tell/ explain/ instruct/ narrate/ argue/ lecture/ talk about a lecturer/ a lecture podium/ and even haggle. Whoah!!!

14 minutes

token reviews after poetry writing and falling asleep almost when shutting my eyes to visualize a scene (loci memory technique for encoding a Hanzi character, pron and meaning.) The little poems were worth it. Tomorrow I will leverage them for new vocab learning.

1 minutes

this evening I am writing poems in English and Chinese and reviews are looking at me with hopeless eyes.
A boy rolls back the silk scroll, and as 1000 years pass the wet brush lets fall a single drop-

12 minutes


60 minutes

Morning-- building new vocab around reading JTTWest

67 minutes

reviews and Lego rafts

50 minutes


30 minutes

time spent w flashcards. Enjoyed. Helps me review all the recent stories. This tells me that I want to use my fash and app in 2 ways.
1. at will for loading and reviewing new words and related compounds.
2 From time to time to review recent words and their stories. I do not e this from my book review method in the same way. I think the trick is the words per day limit. Off to build some Lego rafts soon around Jttw material.

30 minutes

really slow , JTTW vocab

this is actually a good idea I was learning divergent vocab at the end of the reading challenge to see if that will help me start the book but lost focus I will see if I can start that again

23 minutes

self generated 复习。

10 minutes

新词汇。 new vocab

40 minutes


5 minutes

quick blast through those new words

90 minutes

down the rabbit hole- learning new worded connected w reading JTTWest

60 minutes

READING journey to the West and bagging new wordses. Exploring 生. Cool rabbit hole.

Are you reading the graded reader Journey to the west? I saw the series on Amazon and I really want to give it a try when my vocab gets to that level!

15 minutes

words from the last few days.

60 minutes

The self directed revision technique is developing-
revising/learning vocab in Lego rafts.
New compound>composite parts> revise all known words built around those two single character words, making sure all the new compounds generated are known, as well as their source single character words. To one or two generations.

30 minutes

new vocab and revision, words related to the difficult mood of the day.

65 minutes

new vocab. Really slow.

15 minutes

我在小复习。 A little revew

45 minutes

early morning 早晨复习没有S R S- no SRS.

10 minutes

I slacked off. Let something get to me.

120 minutes

新词汇, 还有复习词汇。 learning and reviewing words generated from a self converstion, to perpare for a live presentation in Mandarin tomorrow.

15 minutes

复习新词汇。reviewing new words from the last few days. Using my notebook record. Also better for my eyes!

15 minutes

Retrieval practice during a long drive . Talking to myself. Low stress and an excellent way of transitioning recently learned 词汇 (vocab)into active "live use".
100 mins self talk , 15 relating to new vocab retrieval.

49 minutes

taking too long over flashcards composition for new words. 问题!!!!

1 minutes

Build a TEST into the day!

60 minutes

new vocab, based on immersion necessary reviews (self directed)

10 minutes

quick review of today/ yesterday words.

1 minutes

1 The Spacing algorithm is totally unsuited to my memory needs. Resulting in high failure rates on most cards and the tool not supporting the transition of vocab words into long term memory. Which is the whole point of the SRS system.
2 The length of time I take to complete individual words far exceeds that of the average for which the algorithm is designed, and around which all the research touted benefits are put forward. I estimate I take between 4-6 times longer to complete review cards when measured by a per minute rate compared to the "average" of 8 cards per minute. This means I experience much less benefit in the activity for my time spent. Effectively the research benefits do not stack up for me.
3 SRS being out of context learning. After investing Much time in SRS,, I can learn a character, write it correctly, say it etc, yet when I encounter that word in written or spoken context I am at a complete loss. This leads me to think that there is a problem with the RETRIEVAL PROCESS and the SRS system. And possibly more benefits to be found in immersion activities which generate their own input (encoding) and retrieval patterns.
Against this-
4 I have a daily rich and varied IMMERSION and FLUENCY practice that is very strong and generating steady progress. Time invested generates tangible results.
Going forward I will spend 20 days EXCLUSIVELY USING traverse (My electronic flashcards deck) at will.

Is there any way to change the review frequency? I don't know what app you're using, but many will allow you to adjust the review settings. Also, I highly recommend cloze sentences in your flashcard deck. (In case you're unfamiliar, these are whole sentences with a blank where the vocabulary word is, so you get context.) When I read through the sentence, I can usually remember if it was from the book I was reading, a news article, or a TV show. Having that context helps me remember better than when I study an isolated character, and I find studying whole sentences with SRS combines the benefits of both reading and flashcards!

120 minutes

early morning. Electronic flashcards (Traverse) used at 词语, and reviewing in rafts of connected words generated thro a simple writing exercise.

30 minutes

Wǒ zài shuìjiào qián fùxíle yīxiē xīn cíhuì.

1 minutes

For the purposes and duration of this challenge I am seriously considering suspending the automatic function of my review app and using the app entirely at my discretion as I work my way through the fluency and immersion activities of each day.
I anticipate spending at least as long, or longer per-day engaging with the app, both in the context of new 词汇 (vocab) and context-demanded revision than I have done formerly.
I see the Hacking Chinese challenge as an opportunity to explore this very different 学习方法 (study method).
For a defined and fixed duration, (this 20 days challenge), I will investigate how this works out for me.
My decision to do this arises out of my days which are extremely rich in immersion and fluency adventures, in which SRS reviews have for quite some time felt like a poor return on time invested.
I am very comfortable both with learning risk taking, the possibility of success or failure, and conducting my own investigations into what works for me.
So now, I am no longer considering this. I am doing it. As of this moment and for the duration of this challenge I will be using entirely self directed encoding and retrieval practices.
I will continue to seek to do better encoding and retrieval, just not with the “help” of SRS.
Whoo Hoo.

235 minutes

学习新的词汇在流利的上下文。 Studying new words in a fluency context.
This involved discussing, in Chinese, a 1200 word Monkey King reader I have just written, reading aloud from my reader and a Du Chinese text, and extensive use of SRS (Spaced Repetition) app- all in connection with learning new vocab.
Also reviewing recently learned vocab from my notebook while waiting for my car to be warranted..

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:116.1%
Hours reported58.03