in Extensive reading challenge, April 2015
35 minutes 0.58h
60 minutes 1.0h
35 minutes 0.58h
非 常 好! 我 很 高 兴, 期 待 下 一 个 挑 战 赛!
90 minutes 1.5h
30 minutes 0.5h
20 minutes 0.33h
45 minutes 0.75h
75 minutes 1.25h
30 minutes 0.5h
Finished the second story in Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words. Sad but hopeful ending!
30 minutes 0.5h
30 minutes 0.5h
120 minutes 2.0h
Still reading from Chinese 1500. Learning a lot of great vocab!
90 minutes 1.5h
Continue reading the story in Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words. Excellent story and look forward to reading the next one.
180 minutes 3.0h
One hour a day reading "Flourishing Green Leaves and Withering Red Flowers" in Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words.
90 minutes 1.5h
30 minutes reading Peng De Huai Autobiography and 60 reading story in Graded Reader 1500 Words. Have decided to stop reading Peng De Huai Auto. because, according to my teacher, writing style is not used today and vocab very difficult.
90 minutes 1.5h
30 minutes plodding through Peng De Huai's Autobiography, which my tutor said was a very difficult though interesting read and 60 minutes reading from "Flourishing Green Leaves and Withering Red Flowers," from Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words. The stories in this reader are unfailingly interesting and packed with useful vocab!
120 minutes 2.0h
Spent 60 minutes reading 彭 德 怀 自 传 and another 60 reading 绿 肥 红 瘦, a story from Graded Chinese Reader 1500 Words. I'm really plodding along in Peng De Huai's Autobiography but learning a lot of interesting vocab. The story in Graded Chinese is a really good read and I'm moving along nicely!
120 minutes 2.0h
Read 彭 德 怀 自 传 for an hour and spent another hour reading 小 心! 中 国 人 会 谈 论 的 话 题. Am enjoying the challenge!!
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 21.49 |
Rank | 6th |
Hours reported | 21.49 |
Goal | 20h |