in Extensive reading challenge, April 2015

122 minutes

CTS: The Rhymes of Li Youcai (1.9): 41m (to the end of 第二章); 五一快乐 (~2m); CTS: To Live 活着 (2.1): 79m (to p11: 你没钱了还是少爷) [~122m total]

96 minutes

巴金的“家” (22m, finished 第二章); CTS: The Rhymes of Li Youcai (1.9): 35m (to the end of 第一章). + 39.5m (to bottom of p8) [~96m total]

95 minutes

巴金的“家” (~95m to p29, bottom, into second chapter 第二章)

35 minutes

巴金的“家” (~35m to p21; finished preface 前言 and on to first chapter 第一章)

41 minutes

巴金的“家” (~41m to p18)

81 minutes

巴金的“家” (~81.5m)

5 minutes

read about the chengyu 无病呻吟 ~5m

51 minutes

巴金的“家” (continuing with the foreward... up to page 8)

58 minutes

JLC reading-listening-and-speaking-practice (RLSP): #9 (4m), #10 (3m), #11 (4m), #12 (4m) #13 (4m) #14 (3.5m), #15 (5m); Chinese Reading Practice: A Foolish Affair from my Childhood (7.5m), I am All Alone (3m), "My Dad is a Scoundrel!" (~3m), "Little Grass’ Silver Hair" (~4m), "Mama Please Believe Me" (~4m); chengyu stories: 一毛不拔 ~5m, 一箭双雕 ~4m [~58m]

81 minutes

Chengyu stories: 开天辟地 ~5m, 一日千里 ~5m; Chinese Reading Practice: The Beautiful Rabbit (~7m), 刻舟求剑 (~4m), Catching Frogs (~3m), 露珠 (~2m), Mr. Pig's Picnic (~11m), The Doctor and the Monkey (~8m), My First Telephone Call (~7m), Our Family’s Jump Rope Contest (~1.5m), After I Got My New Year's Money (~6m); 中文阅读天地: U1L1~2m; 巴金的“家” ~20m [~81.5m]

64 minutes

Clavis Sinica's Chinese Voices Project (Work & Money): The Slacker (1.0/352/~10m), I Want to be a Millionaire (1.0/336/~10m), The Promise and Perils of Seniority (1.0/498/~13m), The Ideal Job (1.1/346/~6m), Earning a Bonus Just for Staying Put (1.1/382/~10m), The Ungrateful Boss (1.3/516/~15m) [~64m]

1 minutes

Error correction!

85 minutes

CVP (Consumer Culture): Starbucks in the Forbidden City I (1.3/319/~7m), Starbucks in the Forbidden City II (1.4/371/~10m), A Food Poisoning Scare (1.4/481/~9m), A Girl Named Mark (1.4/411/~9m); 一条狗见到一条蟒蛇 (~3m); JLC: 心锁 [Ele.] 13(~3m), 14(~4m), 15(~2m), 16(~4m), 17(~5m), 18(~5m), 19(~4m), 20(~4m), 21(~3m), 22(~2m), 23(~3m), 24(~4m), 25(~5m) [~86m]

67 minutes

JLC: 心锁 [Ele.] 9 (~5m), 10 (~3m), 11 (~4m), 12 (~7m), CVP (Consumer Culture): A City of Drivers (1.0/355/~12m), In Pursuit of the Perfect Face (1.2/312/~10m), McMansions in Beijing (1.1/447/~15m), Popcorn, Peanuts, and Mao Zedong (1.1/435/~11m)

72 minutes

Clavis Sinica ~ Chinese Voices Project (City Life): The Gay/Lesbian Scene in Beijing (1.5/438/~12m), (Consumer Culture): Walmarts in Beijing (1.6/318/~9m*used chinesereaderrevolution); Just Learn Chinese (JLC): 戒指 [The Ring] (Elementary/~5m); 心锁 Lock of The Heart [Elementary], parts 1 (~11m), 2 (~3m), 3 (~5m), 4 (~5m), 5 (~4m), 6 (~6m), 7 (~7m), 8 (~5m).

62 minutes

CS: CVP (City Life): Sweet Potato Pedlars (1.5/260/~12m), Where's my Bike? (1.5/318/~7m), (Places) Red Leaves in the Western Hills (1.1/257/~7m), An October Visit to Tiananmen Square (1.1/327/~9m), Beijing's Hutongs (1.2/337/~10m), Not Your Geography Teacher's Yangtze River (1.4/404/~17m)

85 minutes

Clavis Sinica ~ China Voices Project (City Life): Beijing's Disappearing Neighborhoods (1.1/370/~11m), The Great Blizzard of 2008 (1.1/495/~15m), A Perfect Day (1.1/500/~15m), Addressing Beijing's Traffic Snarl (1.4/310/~9m), Women in White (1.4/309/~9m), A City on the Move (1.1/383/~9m), The Case of the Missing Bicycle (1.4/806/~17m)

83 minutes

Clavis Sinica: China Voices Project (Arts & Culture): Following the Beijing Dream (1.1/376/~19m), The Spring Festival TV Show (1.1/387/~13m), The Fate of Classical Chinese Literature (1.3/530/~23m), Yuanmingyuan: The Film (1.4/262/~10m), Confucius Hits Prime Time (1.4/334/~10m), Chinese Idol (1.4/295/~8m)

66 minutes

Clavis Sinica's China Voices Project (Arts & Culture): Lust, Caution (1.0/523/~22m), Four Popular Writers (1.0/484/~23m), Punning Cabbage (1.1/262/~12m), If You Love Me... (1.3/281/~9m)

61 minutes

CVP (Social Issues): Requesting the Right to Die (1.4/427/~15m), Wealth and Corruption Go Hand in Hand (1.4/252/~8m), In Pursuit of Peace (1.5/462/~24m), (Arts & Culture): There's No Talk Like Crosstalk (1.1/357/~14m)

71 minutes

China Voices Project (Comp. & Tech.): Text Messages for Women's Day (1.1/364/~15m), Any Time is Game Time (1.3/291/~8m); (Social Issues): At What Cost Growth? (1.2/494/~15m), The Third Sex: Female PhDs (1.3/273/~7m), China's New Proletariat (1.3/532/~21m)

60 minutes

Clavis Sinica: Chinese Voices Project (Education category): The Growing Pains of China's Universities (1.2/260/~12m), Tutoring for the College Entrance Exam (1.3/317/~9m), Textbooks: An Unaffordable Luxury (1.3/277/~9m), Salary Woes at China's Top University (1.3/387/~18m), Reclaiming the Mother Tongue (1.4/326/~12m)

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:114.4%
Hours reported24.03