in Reading challenge, April 2017

30 minutes

Read spring sleepiness, sure not as easy as the previous ones!

20 minutes

Only read an elementary article on shaolin temples in Berlin, but did it thoroughly :)

20 minutes

Read 'love at the dinner table' and 'seeing the dentist' on Du Chinese

20 minutes

Figured out some articles on Du Chinese

10 minutes

skimmed some readings on du chinese

25 minutes

Started another tournament (way harder than yesterday!) and played some mire Escape but didn't reach a checkpoint yet.

45 minutes

So happy! Explored Wordswing, started a quiz tournament, tried a dialogue and reached the first checkpoint in Escape! So happy :)

60 minutes

There you go, full hour! Binging and purging, you say? No, I just had to find the right place to read and learn productively, and Wordswing game Escape by Olle is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Olle!

30 minutes

Ahh man i just came back from a 3 day trip abroad where I had literally no Internet connection ahah. So now I know I'm a lot behind but I managed to browse through some news sites and read a couple dialogues from BliuBliu (btw beautifully smooth platform), so I think that's enough for today :)

20 minutes

I'm kind of sick today and have a bit of a temperature and stuff so I didn't think I could read much Chinese. Instead I read (lo and behold) TWO pages of The Secret Garden and finished the first chapter! Maybe it was because of the dramatic events described, but wow I'm so happy I found the energy and focus to do of all of this! Hopefully I'll do better tomorrow!

10 minutes

Another (this time shorter) paragraph of The Secret Garden. I didn't do much today but as they say, something is better than nothing!

20 minutes

Read the second paragraph of The Secret Garden. It was a bit more difficult than the previous one, but there were a lot of good simple words to learn, (i.e. happy, angry, worried, always..) so I feel like it was a productive session :)

20 minutes

Read the first and pretty long paragraph of The Secret Garden on Mandarin Companion. Quite easy, though it looks like a sad story (I have never read the original in English). Well, I'll find out soon! Thanks for your suggestion, Kai Carver! :)

40 minutes

Finished the Mandarin Companion version of the Monkey's Paw. Really positive experience, could understand a lot. Now I'm heading to the hopefully full version of the novel that I found on Baidu Baike (百度百科). I'm just worried the story might become too scary for me ;)

30 minutes

Only browsed and skimmed some more or less complete versions of the monkey's paw. I don't know, it's starting to make me feel uneasy xd Maybe I'll found a happier story back on Mandarin Companion.

N.B. Switched my phone system language to Mandarin. Weird.

Secret Garden is a happier story, though still a bit dark at first. Country of the Blind is pretty cool, but... well I'll let you decide if it's a happy ending :-)

20 minutes

Wohoo read another 5 paragraphs of the Monkey's paw and man things are starting to click! There are so many expressions you can grasp easily if you're familiar with narrative mannerisms used in literature, no matter the language. Quite happy, yes.

10 minutes

The monkey's paw on Mandarin Companion, because I'm into the Monogatari series and Suruga Kanbaru lol. My level is pretty close to zero but I know some Japanese so this helps me a lot. I read two paragraphs and I'm surprised I understood quite a lot of stuff. I'll try to find the complete version online.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:47.7%
Hours reported7.16