in Vocabulary challenge, March 2018

60 minutes

Pleco flashcards, my collections

60 minutes

As yesterday : Helps with familiar words, new words and expressions, all in context.

60 minutes
1.0h Listened to a story then the explanation in Chinese. This is useful for vocabulary as it explains many words using explanation, synonyms and examples. Sounds boring but it is done well so it's fun and when you listen to the story again the meaning becomes clear without any effort.

60 minutes

fluentu: video and review vocab

60 minutes

Fluentu daily goal; Pleco - my flashcards collected from reading. This is hard because I have a lot of cards and the setting is to alternate the clues: sound, definition or character. The most difficult is to remember the Chinese for the English definition.

60 minutes

Fluentu daily goal; studied 5 phrases on 一步一个脚印 in 45 mandarin phrases, which are really interesting. I have heard them but not had them explained before.

70 minutes

Fluentu: 1 video; review vocab; daily goal 30 mins
Pleco flashcards 40 mins

I love FluentU. I started from scratch and finished their beginner course. It is so much better than the traditional textbooks. I prefer the realistic content, despite the occasional mismatches of sound and captions.

Yes Fluentu is excellent. The advice that comes in emails is also well worth reading and following up. In fact I got to Hacking Chinese through a Fluentu post: 10 best sites or something like that.

60 minutes

Fluentu; daily challenge; 1 video + review vocab

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:81.7%
Hours reported8.17