in Extensive listening challenge, October 2014
90 minutes 1.5h
More travel chinese and an interview with da shan, more happy chinese, and more listening in my textbook cds.
60 minutes 1.0h
Watched videos on CCTV (Travel Chinese) and listened to my textbook CD.
90 minutes 1.5h
More videos, including Happy Chinese and Sesame Street and more listening to my textbook CD
90 minutes 1.5h
Listened to textbook CDs and watched more Happy Chinese.
60 minutes 1.0h
Watched videos on You Tube - Happy Chinese etc.
30 minutes 0.5h
Listened to Mark Zuckerberg. Don't know if it counts.
30 minutes 0.5h
Listen to audio from my old textbook.
30 minutes 0.5h
same as yesterday
30 minutes 0.5h
More listening to CD from children's textbook. Looked at textbook to find unfamiliar words. Amazing how not knowing 1 Chinese word makes understanding a sentence so difficult!
90 minutes 1.5h
Tried listening to some fairy tales for children. Understood only some words and could not get jist. Listened to parts of CD from a textbook for children learning Chinese. I understood most of CD 1 and so far can understand about 80 of CD 2 - with the exception of poems, of which I understand only some words.
90 minutes 1.5h
listened to a few podcasts, and spent time listening to the audio from my textbook. My listening comprehension is quite bad. I have had some success though breaking sentences into smaller listening chunks.
30 minutes 0.5h
transcribing. Went better today. I just wrote in pinyin instead of trying to remember how to write the characters, and got more and better listening done than yesterday.
60 minutes 1.0h
Did listening/transcription exercises - spent too much time thinking about how to write instead of listening 9_9
120 minutes 2.0h
I watched a movie in Chinese on youTube, and did listening exercises in my textbook.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 15.0 |
Rank | 25th |
Hours reported | 15.0 |
Goal | 20h |