in Open challenge, August 2018

30 minutes

Gave health benefit advice on activities good or bad to one's health. Gave advice on how to study Chinese. Translated questions and answers concerning the beginning of school at a university.

35 minutes

Was contrarian today by using 不见得 to every statement a fellow student makes about his school. Enumerated the reasons for picking a particular universty to attend.

35 minutes

Practiced using the 是。。的 and 除了。。意外 in practice dialogs about school. Read a text where these phrases are used. 读容易说很难。

小心!上面写的不对!我知道是一个意外。除了这个意外以外,没有别的意外。 中文名字? 有啊!当然有!我叫林秋,森林的林,秋天的秋。这个名字很适合我的性格。

35 minutes

Wrote an explanation of how to write my Chinese name 梅维民 using the characters in phrases and by describing the left and right components. Wrote several sentences using the 不见得 (not necessarily) construction.

I live in Germany, with "hear" I ment on TV or podcast etc.. That 不见得 really got to me, I had to split it up into 不 and 见得 and think of 得到智识。 If 不见得stands alone, or at the end of a phrase it means something like Who would have known that! close to the meaning 看不出来, 不知道。 Your name is easy to type, maybe sometimes you will have to say something like 那是维修的维,不是伟大的伟 or?

Birgit,here are the sample sentences that my textbook gives for using 不见得: 她实在中国出生的,中文一定很好吧?在中国出生的人中文不见的好。She was born in China. Her Chinese must be very good. People who were born in China don't necessarily speak good Chinese. 报上说的不见得对。They don't necessarily have it right in the papers. 对。是维修的维。不是伟大的伟。可是我哥哥的名字是梅维大,维大 for Victor. 请问,你有中文名字吗?

32 minutes

Reviewed the use of 适应 (to adapt, to become accustomed to). Deciphered a picture of a sign that says 总服务台。I knew that I had seen these characters before, but this exercise put some more context to their use and think I won't forget them now. It says General Help Desk. Did another exercise using the names of beverages and answered some personal questions using the expression 再说 (what's more, besides, in addition).

35 minutes

Reviewed grammar uses of 省钱 (economize), 自由 (freedom, free), 不见得 (not necessarily), and 好处 (benefit, advantage). Did exercise that made me write names of sports and names of major cities in the world.

ha! that 不见得 is new to me, but I often hear 不一定

不一定 makes sense, whereas the meaning 不见得 is not obvious. It sounds like you are getting a lot of practice. Do you live in China?

30 minutes

Reviewed uses of 方便 and 安全 as both predicates and attributes. Answered personal questions using expressions of clock time, and 除了。。。以外, 还。

35 minutes

Reviewed difference between 再说 and 而且. Also did exercises on describing characters by their component parts, left-right, up-down and using them in sentences.

35 minutes

Studied expressions for inclusion and exclusion: 除了。。。以外,除了。。。都。Practiced reading a business card and describing facts about the person.

I think it is not a poem, just a little trick for kids to remember the characters. Below the text is a little tip which reads: "泡" 字的左边跟字义有关,右边跟字音有关。 Nice way to learn the words, I really like that book 《语文》二年级 here it cost 3 欧元。 除了这些学习方法,还有别的学习方法吗? 除了这些,还有别的吗?

35 minutes

Continued review of 了 particle. Completed a fill in the blank exercise describing the sequence of events in a student's day.

30 minutes

Describing the homophonic characters for hu2: 胡湖狐壶 and 弧. Review of the usage of the resultative particle 了。Reading comprehension of a text on living on campus versus off campus.

33 minutes

Focused on identifying characters through component parts or through contextualizing phrases. Helped me solidify my knowledge of passive vocabulary.

today I came across this, hope you like it: 有水把茶泡,有饭能吃饱。 有足快快跑,右手轻轻抱。 有衣穿长袍,有火放鞭炮。

30 minutes

Doing 15 minutes of textbook and 15 minutes of workbook. Review of vocabulary. Will compose a paragraph to introduce myself.

30 minutes

Answered reading and listening comprehension questions about new first year students arriving at their university. Wrote out interview questions I would ask another student - where were you born? Where did you grow up? What time did you arrive at school today? How did you get to school today? What date did school begin? Do you live on or off campus? If you had the money, where would you like to live? Why?

30 minutes

30 minutes a day on grammar. I'm working my way through Level 2, Part 1 of the Integrated Chinese series.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:101.8%
Hours reported8.14