in Vocabulary challenge, August 2018

135 minutes

FluentU - Breakfast vocab, 蛋饼,培根,火腿,猪排。Heisig, vol 1 Anki deck to Character # 228, Heisig vol 2 Anki deck to character # 1703

162 minutes

FluentU - sauces 辣椒酱,甜辣酱,番茄酱. Heisig Vol. 1 Anki Deck to Character # 218, Heisig Vol. 2 Anki Deck to Character # 1694

154 minutes

FluentU - Breakfast vocabulary & sauces, Heisig Vol 1 Anki deck - to character # 208, Heisig Vol 2 Anki deck to character 1686.

138 minutes

FluentU, Heisig Vol 1 Anki Deck to Character # 197. Heisig Vol 2 Anki Deck to character # 1677

162 minutes

fluentU, Heisig Anki deck 1 to number 187, Heisig Anki deck 2 to character # 1668

15 minutes

The absolute minimum of FluentU review.

50 minutes

did a minimal FluentU, and a Heisig deck 1

25 minutes

On vacation, so could only do a minimal FluentU review - no Heisig Anki decks

112 minutes

FluentU - Animal names 老虎,狮子,长颈鹿, etc. Heisig Anki cards, to # 167. Heisig Anki cards, deck 2 to #1660

119 minutes

FluentU - Video on animal names, Heisig Anki Deck 1 to Character # 157 测 ce4 fathom. Heisig Anki Deck2 to Character # 1654 若 ruò as if.

142 minutes

FluentU and Heisig Anki Decks. Book one to number 147. Book two to number 1648.

113 minutes

FluentU video vocab review and new vocab in context. Heisig Anki decks - Deck one, up to character no. 136. Deck two up to character no. 1640.

122 minutes

FluentU and 2 Anki decks

130 minutes

FluentU - 18 words/27 captions to review, learned 10 new vocabulary, Anki - 2 decks new characters 40, 100 reviewed.

120 minutes

FluentU vocab review. 2 Anki decks on Heisig vocab.

105 minutes

For this challenge, I am using the two volumes of Heisig's Remembering Simplified Hanzi covering some 3000 characters. I am going over 20 new characters a day and using ANKI for spaced repetition. This is a brute force way for me to get a solid base of vocabulary in a rather short period of time - 5 months. My other line of attack is to make my way through beginning level videos in FluentU where new vocabulary are used in context and character combinations. FluentU also has an ANKI type review system where old vocabulary items are recycled. I do a combination of review and new materials. I'm finding that as I progress through Heisig, I am finding more and more characters that are also presented in FluentU and the cross-training is helping me to solidify my base character knowledge. So, here I go.

加油! How about using to check for High Frequency words? It is fast!

谢谢, Birgit。很有用也很有意思。我学习汉字的时候,我用

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:100.2%
Hours reported30.07