in Translation challenge, May 2019
56 minutes 0.93h
The botanical artist, that’s who. And they will also cite genus, species, variety and cultivar. These people are the most detail oriented renderers on earth. 植物画专家人就会知道了!他们也会引证植物的属,种类,品种,栽培品种。这些艺术家是世界的最详尽的画家。
28 minutes 0.47h
I'm now going over some of my previous translations with a Chinese teacher and it's been enlightening. Her
English is excellent so she can understand what I'm trying to say. It turns out the Chinese would say something in a manner I could never guess, and in other instances there are things I said that the Chinese teacher struggled to figure out how to impart the my idea into Chinese. I'm learning a lot of culture. Okay, so today's translation: On the other hand, if one were to take a hostas leaf and swap it for another, who would know the difference? 但是,如果我把一个紫萼叶代替另一个,谁会知道是不同的?
37 minutes 0.62h
Drawing plants should be easy. Who knows what a plant really looks like, anyway? It’s not like drawing my brother, Stu, where close family and friends can say, “Yep, that’s Stu!” 画植物应该是容易的。谁真地知道植物像什么的,对不对啊?不是画我弟弟的肖像一样的。以致亲人和好友可以说,明明地这个是你的弟弟。
48 minutes 0.8h
Started translating a new blog episode "The Cult of Botanical Artists" "植物画家文化"。I just finished a beginner’s class in botanical drawing at my local high school’s continuing ed program. 我在本地的高中刚刚完了一门入门课程为怎么画植物。
43 minutes 0.72h
I have to stop at Broadway for a light, and brace myself as he comes up and stops right beside me, and drops the trash he had picked up into the waste receptacle next to me. 我在路口转角必须停等红灯。他走往我来停在我旁边得时候我感觉一点儿心惊。他把那个拎起来的东西放在我旁边的垃圾箱。
27 minutes 0.45h
I give him wide berth, but as I pass by, he stands up slowly and with an unsteady step begins to follow behind me.
35 minutes 0.58h
Started a new blog translation: I’m walking on 58th Street on my way to work near Columbus Circle, and I see ahead of me a disheveled homeless man bent down picking something up off the sidewalk. 我在纽约城市第五十八街上向哥伦布圆环在走路去上班。我前面看见一个蓬头散发流浪的人挑什么东西从人行道上起来。
60 minutes 1.0h
Homework: I’ve given your letter to Mr. Wang. 我把你的封信给了王先生。We will reach Lesson 40 by the end of this term. 我们这个学期节底会达第四十学课。I’ve taken that cup of tea to Mr. Wang’s classroom. 我把那杯茶带去王老师的教室。
Blog: To no one in particular, but loud enough for everyone to hear, the volunteer shakes his head and comments, “What a gigolo.” 志愿者反感地摇头他对自己说但是他大声地说以至于大家都听得到“这样的小白脸”。
47 minutes 0.78h
Homework: I didn’t get to eat the Chinese food that my younger sister had cooked. 我没机会吃我妹妹做过的中饭. I read your letter, but I couldn’t understand it. 我看过你的封信可是不懂了。
My blog story: To which the gentleman looks to his lady, puts his arm around her shoulder and draws her near. 绅士就向太太看。他把胳膊围她肩膀。他把她轻轻拉得近他旁边。
61 minutes 1.02h
Homework: This morning Mr Wang didn’t explain the grammar very clearly. 今天早上汪老师没有解释语法得不清楚。Yesterday, I went to the bookshop and got a hold of the book that you recommended. 我昨天去书店买你对我举荐的书。I have tidied up the study for my father. 我给爸爸收拾了书房。Where is my dictionary? Who took it? 我词典在哪儿?是谁拿好了的?
My blog story: The volunteer then shouts out after them, “Show a little love. Why not put that arm around your lady friend.” 志愿者向夫妇高声说"表达一点儿情爱! 给你的女朋友一个抱抱吧!"
25 minutes 0.42h
Something different today, doing teacher assigned translation: You have written that character incorrectly. There is a stroke missing here! 中文:你写了那个汉字不对。在这儿差一个笔画。
26 minutes 0.43h
English: The elderly man briefly glances at the solicitor as they walk on by. 中文:老年夫妇在走过桌子前面时候,男士向志愿者瞟了一眼。
30 minutes 0.5h
English: The man says to everyone passing by, “Show your love for the homeless.” Any amount of money will be accepted. 中文: 男子对路过的每一个人说, 请帮助无家可归的人。向无家可归的人表达你的爱。任何数额的钱都可以。
42 minutes 0.7h
English: On the table is a large glass jar. The glass jar contains dollar bills and lots of change. There is a sign that reads, “Help Feed the Homeless.” Chinese: 桌子上有一只很大的玻璃罐子。罐子里有很多的钞票和零钱还有一张手写的纸板标志说“请给无家可归养活。"
26 minutes 0.43h
English: In front of us on the right we see a man standing behind a table. 在面前我们看见一个人站着在一张桌子旁边.
62 minutes 1.03h
Starting a new blog story, "I Love New York - Just a Gigolo". Today's sentences: One day I was walking up Broadway to Lincoln Center. I’m walking behind a well dressed elderly couple. Obviously, they are also going to see a performance at Lincoln Center. Chinese translation: 有一天我在纽约百老汇往林肯中心走路。我在一个衣冠楚楚的老年夫妇后面。他们明明也往林肯中心在去看一个演出。
30 minutes 0.5h
Finished translating my blog story. English: I lost my wedding band at the Library of Congress on November 14, 2016. While going through security, I took it off and put it in my knapsack, and I have not seen it since. It was a simple gold band with no identifying marks or characteristics – now gone forever into the annals of our nation’s collective memory.
A month ago, I finally got around to buying a replacement and got it inscribed with my blog website, and the date of my marriage to Mae 101185. Now, if I ever lose it again, there would be a chance that some kind soul would find it, google my website and land here.
Whoever you might be, please accept my thanks in advance! Chinese translation: 我2016年11月14号在美国国会图书馆丢失了我的结婚戒指。我过关安检站以前我摘下戒指,我在背包里放了。从那时候没看见。这枚戒指是用金子做的,可是很简朴的。它没有任何识别标记或特征。它在国会图书馆永远消失了。它现在是我们国家集体记忆一部分。
一个月前, 我终于又买了一个结婚戒指。我把它里边刻写我博客的名字。我也刻写我跟美玲结婚的日期 101185。如果我再丢失我的结婚戒指,现在有可能性有人找到它,看见我博客的名字,在网上把它搜索,结过找到这个故事。
29 minutes 0.48h
English:Now, if I ever lose it again, there would be a chance that some kind soul would find it, google my website and land here. Chinese translation: 如果我再丢失我的结婚戒指,现在有可能性有人找到它,看见我博客的名字,在网上把它搜索,结过找到这个故事。
20 minutes 0.33h
English: A month ago, I finally got around to buying a replacement and got it inscribed with my blog website, and the date of my marriage to Mae 101185. Chinese: 一个月前, 我终于又买了一个结婚戒指。我把它里边刻写我博客的名字。我也刻写我跟美玲结婚的日期 101185。
40 minutes 0.67h
English: It was a simple gold band with no identifying marks or characteristics – now gone forever into the annals of our nation’s collective memory. Chinese translation: 这枚戒指是用金子做的,可是很简朴的。它没有任何识别标记或特。它在国会图书馆永远消失了。它现在是我们国家集体记忆一部分。
63 minutes 1.05h
English: While going through security, I took it off and put it in my knapsack, and I have not seen it since. Translation: 我过关安检站以前我摘下戒指,我在背包里放了.
40 minutes 0.67h
For this challenge I am going to translate some blog posts I did about living on the east coast of the US. The first is about losing my wedding ring. My goal for this challenge is to do a sentence a day and whatever I can accomplish in about 30 minutes. For today, the English is: I lost my wedding band at the Library of Congress on November 14, 2016. The translation was rather straightforward: 我2016年11月14号在美国国会图书馆丢失了我的结婚戒指。The translation for Library of Congress was main thing that I was unsure of and whether or not I should mention the US.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 14.58 |
Rank | 1st |
Hours reported | 14.58 |
Goal | 15h |
Such a good exercise...I’m going to try to finish a bit more and then talk it through with a native speaker. I suspect they’ll come up with all sorts of 成语 that would have been appropriate. It’s really made me think hard about English expressions and what they really mean.