in Writing challenge, February 2020

75 minutes

Copied a congratulatory letter to a sports tournament champion. Some vocabulary and phrases: 夺得冠军 vs 取得胜利,争取胜利...满怀豪情 (filled with prideful sentiment), 斗志 (will to fight), 取长补短 (learn from each other's strengths to improve one's weaknesses), 同呼吸共喜悦 (share a common fate), 争光 (win glory for), 沸腾 (boiling, seethe with excitement), 来之不易 (not easy to come by), 欢呼雀跃 (shout and jump for joy), 三连冠 (champ three times in a row), 戒骄戒躁 (guard against arrogance and rashness, to not get cocky and rash), 毫无生气 (lethargic), 生气勃勃 (thriving with vitality).

Only met 75% of my 10 hr goal, but it's been a while since I've been in a habit of studying so this is a good start. Look forward to sticking to a better schedule in the next challenge.

75 minutes

Copied a job recommendation letter, as well as practiced writing new vocabulary from a travel recommendation letter. Learned: 娴熟xian2shu2 (adept, skilled, 娴熟的技术), 敬业精神 (professional dedication), 铭记在心 (always remember), 为人正直 wei2 (conduct oneself+upright), 尊意 (your respected opinion, 不知尊意如何?), 真挚 (cordial, sincere, 真挚的友谊,情感真挚), 何乐而不为呢 (what can you have against doing it, wouldn't one be only too glad to do it), 独具一格 (unique), 开阔视野 (broaden one's perspective)

90 minutes

Copied two more job application letters. Learned: 恭候 (respectfully await, 恭候您的佳音), a special usage of 蒙 (to receive a favor or sth nice, 如蒙录用,我会竭诚为贵公司效力), 职业素质 (professionalism), 函告 (to inform by letter [letter envelope / inform]), 用功 (studious, diligent in one's studies, 读书很用功), 一臂之力 (a helping hand).

45 minutes

Copied second sample job application letter, again trying to write sentence by sentence. Learned 冒昧 (self-deprecating exp. of be so bold to), 承蒙 (to be given a kindness or favor, 承蒙照顾,承蒙指教), 年事已高 (up in age), 年迈 (old, aged), 雄厚 (robust, abundant (strength or funds), 实力雄厚,资金雄厚)

45 minutes

Copied a sample job cover letter. Would read a sentence aloud, then write it down instead of copying it character by character. Vocab: 竭诚 (wholeheartedly [exhaust, use fully / sincere])

30 minutes

Copied sample letter to a friend with some customization. Began reviewing job cover letter examples, learning phrases such as 值此...之际 (on this ___ occasion), 毛遂自荐 (volunteer one's service like Mao Sui did to the King of Chu), 盼候佳音 (look forward to your reply, await good news).

30 minutes

Practice letter to my 启蒙老师. 200 characters. Learned some phrases: 独到之处 (special qualities), 温故而知新 (review old knowledge to learn new things), 劳逸结合 (balance work and leisure)

60 minutes

Reviewing a book on forms of practical writing. Reviewed writing letters. Learned __得体 (suiting the occasion), such as 语言得体,讲话得体,打扮得体. Learned various 祝语 for ends of formal letters, including the special format:


Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:75.0%
Hours reported7.5