in Listening challenge, May 2020
150 minutes 2.5h
Listening to conversations; Movie 五龙镇管
103 minutes 1.72h
2.2.30《女儿离开家以后》26:19 2x ; 2.2.12B《黄山奇石》25:18 2x ;
300 minutes 5.0h
Yixin Meeting/Conference
240 minutes 4.0h
Yixin Meeting/Conference
170 minutes 2.83h
2.2.34《落花生》5: 36 2x/42:39 1.25x (program stopped working); 2.1.17《笑话-王子和公主》8:16 2x; X-Men dubbed in Mandarin
58 minutes 0.97h
2.1.26《我想有个家》4:27 2x, 21:16 2x ; 2.1.23A《画蛇添足》3:45 2x;
90 minutes 1.5h
Guardians of the Tomb?? (迷巢)
120 minutes 2.0h
250 minutes 4.17h
2.1.22B《三块巧克力》35:04 2x ; 2.1.24B《感觉自己是巨星》25:11 2x ; misc. CCTV; Li Lei and Han MeiMei How Are You movie
195 minutes 3.25h
LCTS 1.3.25《关于“鬼”的习语》14:48 2x ; 1.3.26A《盲人摸象》2:31 2x ; 2.1.22B《三块巧克力》35:04 2x ; CCTV 10, Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
90 minutes 1.5h
1.3.1《快速约会》2:21 3x ; 1.3.20B《坐井观天》17:26 1x ; 1.3.21A《孔融让梨》1:30 1x ; 1.3.22A《郑人买履》2:18 1x ; 1.3.23A《塞翁失马,焉知非福》4:06 2x ; Movie segments
130 minutes 2.17h
1.3.14A "Little White Rabbit and Little Grey Rabbit" 3:02 1x; 1.3.13B "Sima Guang" 17:26 1x ; 2.1.12B《小伙伴》29:34 2x ; 2.1.21B《倾斜的伞》25:28 2x ;
140 minutes 2.33h
LCTS, YouTube music videos
150 minutes 2.5h
1.3.28 "Only mother is good in the world" 15:18 2x ; 1.3.27 "Little Donkey" 11:17 2x ; 2.1.3B《雪孩子》5:55 3x ; 2.1.20B《珍珠项链》29:49 2x ; 2.2.31《给母亲洗手的年轻人》39:43 .5x
127 minutes 2.12h
1.3.19B《一x次比一次有进步》2x; 1.3.29《曾子杀猪》2x; 2.1.10B《要下雨了 》2x; 2.1.8B《小猴子下山》2x
108 minutes 1.8h
LCTS - 2 novice high, 1 intermediate low , 1 intermediate medium
108 minutes 1.8h
LCTS - 2 novice high, 1 intermediate low , 1 intermediate medium
30 minutes 0.5h
73 minutes 1.22h
LCTS - 2 Novice High & 1 Intermediate Low
78 minutes 1.3h
LCTS & listened in on a meeting
109 minutes 1.82h
Thanks Olle for the Learning Chinese through Listening hook-up - and all your content and resources have been extremely helpful!! I started LCTL on Saturday and listen to 2 Novice High and 2 Intermediate (low and mid) stories each day and replay several times in areas I am having difficulty. I only listen the first time through and then listen again studying any available additional material provided.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 47.0 |
Rank | 3rd |
Hours reported | 47.0 |
Goal | 50h |