in Listening challenge, September 2020

45 minutes

I listened to 2 Idioms - 雪中送炭 (Xuě zhōng sòng tàn) - To Offer Fuel in Snowy Weather; 亡羊补牢 (Wáng yáng bǔ láo)
It’s Never Too Late to Take Action; 3 language buddy sessions; some Yoyo Chinese & some Duolingo

30 minutes

Yoyo Chinese & Duolingo - also a 30 min italki session + youtube - "Give Encouragement: "You Can Do It!' in Mandarin Chinese!"

30 minutes

Yoyo Chinese pinyin - tone and vowel sounds practice

30 minutes

Yoyo Chinese & Duolingo

75 minutes

Sitting in a car for quite a while today, as a passenger, so it was a Duolingo kinda day :)

30 minutes

Duolingo today

60 minutes

30 min - Chinese language party! + Chinese songs, youtube videos to tell me how to apologise for being late and other phrases around that topic & idea. I listened and shadowed my Mandarin speaking language buddy, practicing material for an HSK lesson.

45 minutes

Chinese Lesson | Please Give Me – Song - 3:22 x2: Wait! in Chinese
2:42 x2: Learn Chinese Daily Activities (日常习惯) - Remastered Song - 3:38: Greetings of the Day - 2:44 :Learn Mandarin Chinese Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Song头肩膀膝盖脚趾 - 1:00 x2: Learn "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" in Mandarin Chinese ❤ Learn Chinese With Emma - 2:35: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Bones in Chinese - 2:56: What a Beautiful Name 何等荣美的名 (with pinyin) - 3:44: Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Joshua Band (pinyin) - 6:40: The Power of Your Love 祢愛的大能 (pinyin) - 4:44
+Duolingo 15 mins

30 minutes

Practicing a children's song - "Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes" (numerous times) :) + some Duolingo

50 minutes

Yoyo Chinese - Unit 2 Practicing Numbers. Unit 3 Practicing Tones

50 minutes

Did repetitions today! Learning more vocabulary! Super-slow Super-clear Chinese Listening Practice - Life of a Dancing Granny (I'm a Granny - Love this story) Learn Chinese - Immersive Series Lesson 1, 2 & 3

60 minutes

Mandarin Corner - 50 Essential Sentences For Small Talk & Basic Chinese Vocabulary 1. I had a bit of a change today. Shadowing sentences & some vocabulary

45 minutes

Slow & Clear Chinese Listening Practice - Cooking; Life of an Overseas Student; Coffee; - Cinema;- Supermarket; - Life of a Dancing Granny + some Duolingo

55 minutes

Slow & Clear Chinese Listening Practice - Coffee: Slow & Clear Chinese Listening Practice - Supermarket: Slow & Clear Chinese Listening Practice - Cooking: Practice listening & singing - Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes. Listening to Wheels On the Bus & Old MacDonald

44 minutes

Youtube - 50 Sentences For Small Talk - Beginner Chinese Course | Chinese Conversation | Survival Chinese

15 minutes

Duolingo. a bit busy today :(

30 minutes

I did more "Slow & Clear Chinese" - Coffee, Cooking (listened to them a couple of times again, "Slow & Clear Chinese Listening Practice" - Restaurant" and also "Chinese Podcast" - Slow Chinese Listening Series #1- I have a dormitory.

30 minutes

Slow & Clear Chinese - Supermarket, Cooking, Didi Driver. It was helpful having the 2 speeds

30 minutes

At Chinese Language Party today. The party was for one hour, some of it I understood, sometimes I spoke. There were 4 people there. I mainly listened. I'm happy to say 30 mins of listening.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:130.6%
Hours reported13.06