in Vocabulary challenge, October 2020

60 minutes

哎呀!Skritter. What a difference a week makes. SO many basic forgotten

Don’t stress. It happens. Good news is, those “哎呀” moments actually help us learn things stronger in the long run. You got this. Also, congrats on hitting your goal!!!

300 minutes

Argh! So far behind in reporting that I decided to add it all at once. Basically, 10-30 minutes a day reviewing misc documents, movie subtitles, etc. Had a couple of troubling no VPN days that prevented online learning, especially Skritter. Been a better "Listening" challenge month!

30 minutes

misc. translations

45 minutes

skritter all lists and radicals

30 minutes

22 skritter misc subtitles, etc

30 minutes

30 Skritter

45 minutes

30 Skritter; misc documents

25 minutes

16 minutes Skritter radicals list; misc documents

25 minutes

After working on every character for the first 4 minutes of the film, The Wandering Earth subtitled in Mandarin and English, I decided it would be better to understand the movie by watching it through one time. After watching it. I began to look at the individual characters again. Only able to do first 7 minutes as brain was done for the day!! Loaded the Radicals list on Skritter.

180 minutes

Finished looking up all the words from Donnie Yan's Iceman - 冰封重生之门. Really interesting as the movie is a mix of modern 明朝 and 神秘 so lots of words and combinations I wasn't familiar with. Studied radicals and started learning how to use Skritter, reviewed Skritter HSK1-3 Lists - know them all!

60 minutes

Studied radicals, studied characters in subtitles of Donnie Yan's Iceman movie

Probably spent more like 90 minutes on characters. Studied up to 43 minutes of the film.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:138.4%
Hours reported13.84