in Vocabulary challenge, October 2020
225 minutes 3.75h
Done my goal, but will continue.
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards.
Pandanese 2nd review.
Duolingo and doing HSK-4
Trying out to create my own Pandanese Deck on Skritter.
1 minutes 0.02h
奇怪,something seems to be missing today? 囧
I can’t put my finger on it! 🧐 😅 😷
187 minutes 3.12h
Pandanese Reviews
65 mins
This evening, on Skritter:
Characters Learned 16
Words learned 22
Total Reviews 853
Time Spent 2:02:45 hours
On this 21days Update:
Skritter dashboard to date.
All time:
Characters learned 597
Words learned 608
Total Reviews 8180
Time Spent 29:19:40 hours
1205 items learned
4 hours per day
For this 21 days Challenge, Pandanese Cards learned at 12 new words per day will be 12 X 21= 252 words.
Huge congrats on the strong finish! You and Malaili absolutely crushed it with these times reported. Can’t wait to see what your Chinese skill is like in six months to a year if you keep at it like this!
Facts and figures shared via my Acrobat Document Cloud. Hope you can open it. If not let me know and I will share via OneDrive Link.
As to Pandanese according to the chart it’s 4K on 1.5 years. I think 6K is 2 year? It’s not about achieving the numbers, it’s whether one can put to use what you have learned!
BTW, another App Wanikani is better structured to achieve the figures in the 60 lessons. Hanzi is part out it. Some has achieved its full potential but it’s for Japanese!
223 minutes 3.72h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
Cards learned:
163 Radicals
231 Characters
349 Vocabularies
Review 3 and 4
Time 63 min
Doing up and Reviews on full HSK-3
Also testing out Sec 1 of HSK-4 to determine how the SRS algorithm works?
Skritter dashboard:
Characters learned 35
Words learned 116
Total Reviews 772
Time Spent 2:40:43 hours
@ SkritterJake, how does the Skritter SRS algorithm works? I complete HSK-3 full set of 300 words, will the SRS space out Section by Section to review? Or the full 300 words randomly. Or is it better to do up say, HSK-4 section by section, Sec 1 then Review. Then followed by Sec 2 and do the Test to Review?
133 minutes 2.22h
Done my goal, but will continue as the last two days.
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards.
Pandanese 2nd review.
Done and reviewing HSK-3
128 minutes 2.13h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards.
No matter how learned or smart, one still need the at least an hour+ each to run trough each new Set and each Review. If you don’t, it will spillover, to pile up, comes back to haunt you throughout the days!
Duolingo Revision is OK as the the advanced set are mainly HSK-3 vocabulary but it still take time to fulfil the CP target to stay in the Diamond League. DL is smart to incorporate in such gameplay challenges for motivation.
Pandanese 2nd review.
159 minutes 2.65h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
Cards learned:
163 Radicals
231 Characters
337 Vocabularies
Review 3 and 4
Time 83 min
Skritter dashboard:
Characters learned 33
Words learned 50
Total Reviews 309
Time Spent 1:16:42 hours
160 minutes 2.67h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
163 Radicals
328 Vocabularies
Time 97 mins
Skritter dashboard:
Characters learned 28
Words learned 53
Total Reviews 261
Time Spent 1:03:36 hours
145 minutes 2.42h
Finito, achieved my targeted 80 hours goal!
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision
Pandanese 2nd review 100+ cards.
Trying out the new, engaging Animal Idioms Video Course.
The meaning, extremely greedy is not correctly portrayed in the Snake swallowing an Elephant story!
We Cantonese, know and passed down for generations, the correct version that defines the meaning of 人心不足蛇吞象.
158 minutes 2.63h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
163 Radicals
216 Characters
328 Vocabularies
Time 85 mins
Skritter dashboard:
Characters learned 18
Words learned 60
Total Reviews 268
Time Spent 1:13:54 hours
Great work Kaynis! It's hard keeping up with you :)
I time and log in accurately, no 馬不停蹄 😅😷
135 minutes 2.25h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
It’s tough to learn 12 new characters per day and the ensuing combination of words to review!
After listening to Atomic Habits(on Amazon Audible) as recommended, maybe I should diminish it to 4 a day ;) but that will take me 6 years to finish 60 lessons!
Duolingo Revision
Pandanese 2nd review.
Give this a try. They say you can learn 500 new words in a month, that's more than 16 words a day. My results are not that good, but for me, it's very effective. I think you can get 20 days free.
Yes, to the tune of ” Walk like Zombie!” 😜😎😷
159 minutes 2.65h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
163 Radicals
216 Characters
328 Vocabularies
Time 83mins
Skritter dashboard:
Today mainly reviews.
Characters learned 4
Words learned 3
Total Reviews 239
Time Spent 1:16:34 hours
125 minutes 2.08h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision
Pandanese 2nd review 100+ cards.
Revising Skritter HSK2.
Missed my morning ritual, running a bit late, today.
313 minutes 5.22h
A Sunday marathon.
Pandanese 3rd and 4th reviews, Cards learned:
163 Radicals
204 Characters
328 Vocabularies
128 mins
This evening, on Skritter:
Skritter complete Reviews done on the 5 basic decks.
The many strokes of Traditional Characters are killing!
Characters Learned 113
Words learned 96
Total Reviews 697
Time Spent 3:05:40 hours.
On this 14 days Update:
Skritter dashboard to date.
All time:
Characters learned 460
Words learned 304
Total Reviews 5230
Time Spent 18:49:33 hours
203 minutes 3.38h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision
Pandanese 2nd review.
Review HSK1
Doing up HSK2
225 minutes 3.75h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
Cards learned:
163 Radicals
201 Characters
319 Vocabularies
Time 2hr 40mins
Skritter Review HSK1
Time Spent 1:05:48 hrs
93 minutes 1.55h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision
124 minutes 2.07h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
Now into Lesson 8.
Cards learned:
163 Radicals
201 Characters
307 Vocabularies
Time 40mins
Skritter doing HSK1
Time Spent 84 mins
135 minutes 2.25h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision
Pandanese 2nd review.
184 minutes 3.07h
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
163 Radicals
201 Characters
295 Vocabularies
Time 33 mins
Skritter dashboard:
Words learned 22
Total Reviews 705
Time Spent 2:31:05hours
128 minutes 2.13h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Doing HSK 1 & 2
115 minutes 1.92h
Pandanese Reviews and new cards learned:
163 Radicals
192 Characters
292 Vocabularies
and Skritter ReviewS
124 minutes 2.07h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Done finished the Skritter 101 Deck, will proceed to do the reviews on it again, tonight.
145 minutes 2.42h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision now using the Skritter radicals, learned to break down the characters set.
187 minutes 3.12h
2nd and third Review.
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
160 Radicals
188 Characters
287 Vocabularies
75 minute
Skritter dashboard:
Completing my Skritter 101 deck, Today
Characters learned 66
Words learned 107
Total Reviews 490
Time Spent 1:51:48 hours
87 minutes 1.45h
After Pandanese 2nd and 3rd reviews, Cards learned:
155 Radicals
186 Characters
282 Vocabularies
+ Skritter 37 min.
125 minutes 2.08h
Pandanese Review 1 +12 new cards
Duolingo Revision on Set 5.
Just for information, many are not aware of Duolingo main site at
Anyone else here one of the 564(only 3.61%) who managed to achieve, completed the Duolingo Chinese Tree?
• 15437 Students
• 15629 Trees
• 6986 @ L10+ ········· 44.70%
• 2550 Golden Owls ··· 16.32%
• 564 Golden Trees ····· 3.61%
Duolingo Chinese learners will benefit if they follow up on Writing with Skritter.
383 minutes 6.38h
Update after the first week:
On the completed the Duo Chinese tree, now on 401 days streak.
Duolingo Chinese Level 25 Words 1932 XPoints 67149
Since DuoChinese has no storyboards, am doing the reverse practising Chinese to learn English!
Duolingo Chinese to English Level 25 Words 2702 XPoints 40931
Pandanese Cards accumulative to date:
150 Radicals
181 Characters
280 Vocabularies
Skritter dashboard:
ALL TIME 246 characters learned
46 words learned
2744 Total Reviews
9:03:27 Time Spent
293 minutes 4.88h
Besides continuing my Duolingo and Pandanese, I have completed and reviewed the Chinese strokes and 100 Radicals decks.
Also completed the main Radicals Deck but has paused the reviews to do the Outlier deck since I have Outlier Dictionary Add-on, in my Pleco.
I am chalking up more hours than usual because I need decipher and assimilate both Pinyin and Jyutping, for Cantonese too.
304 minutes 5.07h
Pandanese Accumalative Cards learned:
145 Radicals
172 Characters
270 Vocabularies
Total 249 mins
Skritter Radicals Deck Review 55mins
115 minutes 1.92h
Daily revise my completed Chinese Duolingo tree, to remain on the Diamond league, then, 12 new flash cards on Pandanese.
Now on Lesson 7/60, accumulative Cards learned:
145 Radicals
167 Characters
263 Vocabularies
Still working on the second Skritter Radicals deck.
唔敢當 唔敢當 我也在提高我的廣東話
33 minutes 0.55h
Completed the 100 Radicals and moving on to the larger Radicals deck.
Will only update in my Skritter reviews time.
Just dropping a note here to ensure you saw @SkritterJake's comment clarifying that you can and should use whichever tools help you in this challenge. You don't have to limit your reports to Skritter alone. Keep up the great work!
看到了 多谢
153 minutes 2.55h
Sigh, need finish my Pandanese Review and additional 12 new words commitment.
Fortunately to maintain Duolingo Diamond league is an easy task.
Am overwhelmed by another Skritter’s Due 411cards. Is it a good idea to untick, confine to only one Deck to have less cards?
I suppose the cards reviewed will still populate into the other Decks as done when we switch it back on? Will it?
132 minutes 2.2h
Daily revise my completed Chinese Duolingo tree, to remain on the Diamond league, then, 12 new flash cards on my Pandanese to start the day off.
Currently on Lesson 6/60, Cards learned:
135 Radicals
160 Characters
232 Vocabularies
Long way to go!
Pandanese will prompt for reviews throughout the day.
Now I know Skritter will only time my Progress Log on reviews, not on Decks and Tests.
Deck learning and Testing tracking will be coming to the 3.6.0 update. Don't think we'll have it out in time for the end of this challenge, but it is certainly on the to-do list of overhauling Progress!
165 minutes 2.75h
Every day, I am committed to learning twelve new words then plough through my Pandanese (a lesser know Anki like software) SRS learning that will consume 1 to 2 hours. It is supposed to achieve in 60 lessons, 6000 Hanzi vocabulary in 24 months.
I will add the hours done to this Skritter activities list.
Will total it in as the day goes along.
1) Completed Chinese Stroke Order Deck and done the test. Why don't the Time shows on my Skritter 🤔Progress?
Another 35 mins, must review an avalanche of Pandanese SR flashcards before they pile up!
83 minutes 1.38h
11:15 pm MYT: Just done for the day, 33 characters, Review 377 in 1:23 hrs showing on Skritter Progress Log. Just one new word learned??
I am still figuring how Skritter algorithm works.
Discovered my, ”to recollect” to write is terrible! 😳
240 minutes 4.0h
Trying out writing on Skritter, l suddenly find me at a loss in remembering the thousands of characters l learned in Duolingo without the accompanying sound component.
It's easy to recognise a character with sight and sound in sentences but remembering how to write it out sans the view with sound draws a blank!
I finished my Duolingo Chinese and Indonesian tree in six months, tried out Spanish and Japanese but decided to be back revising all the Chinese characters now on my 394 days streak.
The purpose is to gain depth to be able to read, but now I realised, being able to write out the character is of utmost importance to progress on.
Nice work! It's funny how visual and aural learning fit together. I've heard a lot of people suggest not to worry to much about writing Chinese characters, as often people just type the pinyin, then select the correct character from there. But I really enjoy writing them, so always incorporate that into my learning.
@Michael F, you are spot on about how technology, the smartphone, has made us lethargic in writing out the characters. The phone is smart, but it makes us dumb!
Very interesting to hear. I honestly can’t wait to see what your impression of your character retention is at the end of the challenge. Also, sorry that Skritter doesn’t have Duolingo support officially. How are you finding the characters and/or study decks? Making your own, or did you find a user-made one online?
@Skritterjake Finishing my Duolingo Chinese Tree, Pleco was and will still be a great help, to scrutinise, analyse and retain. The Outlier add-on is indeed useful to dissect the radicals. I have tried many Apps but for Anki-like dedication, which I lack, I am sticking to my Pandanese goal, though it, (the Pandanese software) has it's flaws. Being new to Skritter, I am having fun and will attempt all the basic Decks.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 100.47 |
Rank | 2nd |
Hours reported | 100.47 |
Goal | 80h |
Hi, nice job. You do a ton of reviews, much more than I do; I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree. What's your opinion on Pananese vs Skritter, and is Pndanese's claim of 6K words in a year even remotely possible?