in Reading challenge, November 2020

25 minutes

Read two short stories from HSK level 1.

15 minutes

Short story HSK 3. Read the story two times, then reviewed words that were to me.

25 minutes

Just did a short story read HSK 5 on the Forbidden City. Many new words in that story I am not familiar with that I am learning. This is one story I need to ho back over.

25 minutes

Just did a short story read HSK level 5 on the Forbidden City. Many new words in that story I am not familiar with that I am learning. This is one story I need to ho back over.

25 minutes

Short story in HSK 2 level. Read the story a few times and reviewed unfamiliar words.

60 minutes

Read three short stories from HSK site. Took time to review and understand combination words used in sentences and their definition. Listened to the audio of the stories, then did a read over of each story.

60 minutes

Read four HSK level 4 short stories. Reviewed each twice, read aloud what I could without having to look up the characters, but still had to look up much of what I could not identify, and listened to the audio reading about twice for each.
The combination of words making up the sentences is what I am learning along with the meaning. Learning to read Chinese really exercises the mind! Outside of my hour reading, I began word look up from yesterday's reading. I have three more stories to go back over to get the words and their meaning.

60 minutes

Read two HSK elementary short stories and one HSK intermediate short story. Reviewing once, then going back over the stories looking at sentence structure and word combinations. Of course, I read over last night's story again...looking at word combinations, individual words that are new, and looking at sentence structure. No, I did not try to read this one aloud (lol).
In the next few days, I am going to go back over these four stories and write down every word combination.

Wow, hard work going over the same text so many times, good motivation!

30 minutes

春节联欢晚会 (Spring Festival Gala)
Another advanced reading that will stretch me.
This read is about CCTV Spring Festival tv show. There were alot of combination words in this reading that I am unfamiliar with, so, I had to touch-click those words (majority of them) to see the meaning, then get the understanding of the sentence. I may need to go back over this same read tomorrow. We'll see.

25 minutes

中国式的圣诞节 (Christmas in China) short story. Thought I would give HSK 5 level a try tonight.

15 minutes

Read a short story from HSK 3 level (怎么学好汉语?How to Study Chinese Well?) Did a silent read a couple of times, then read the story out loud a few times. Had a look up at a few words I was unfamiliar with like 遇到 (yu4 dao4 - to come across, to meet) and 勇敢 (yong3 gan3 - brave, courageous). I took time to listen to the audio of the story twice, then finally, answering the two multiple choice questions at the end. I know those questions are there to see if the reader has comprehended what they've read. I think questions are good.

50 minutes

Read three short stories from HSK reading site. Read each story out loud about 3-4 times each to practice saying the words, sentences and tones. I had to touch a few words on the page for the words to highlight the definition. Finally, I listened to the audio of the short story in chinese.

30 minutes

Read three HSK 2 short stories quietly, then out loud. Working with word pronunciations and meanings.

60 minutes

Read two new short stories from HSK reading site...Talking About The Weather (Tan2 Tian1Qi4) and Buying Some Fruit (Mai3 Shui2 Guo3) I read through the stories, then, I wrote them out in the chinese characters, and finally, wrote the stories in pinyin. Pinyin is only available as you touch each character, so this took a while to do, but I didn't mind. Of course, at the end of each story, you have two multiple choice questions in chinese to answer.
I am liking these stories from HSK reading.

Wow! Can you share this reading site with me? Sounds really interesting!

30 minutes

Niǔyuē de liúlián xiānsheng (Mr. Durian in New York) part 1 and 2. Read the chinese and reviewed highlighted words in the story. Also, looking over sentences in the story.

25 minutes

Finished reading the last part of yesterday's story ( Niǔyuē de liúlián xiānsheng (Mr. Durian in New York- part 3). Started reading another short story (Let's Build a Snowman) from The story is in chinese with no pinyin, an English translation (if you want to know the translation), an audio of the story in chinese, and...two multiple questions at the end of the story in chinese. This is HSK site so I would expect no pinyin.
This was good for me because I read the story aloud, which made me have memory recall on characters I know. Not so sure if some of my pinyin was correct, but I know the character and the meaning. Of course, this is a beginner or elementary story. If I venture into intermediate, I will have a bit of a challenge 😉

15 minutes

Dàxiàng Duō Zhòng (The weight of an elephant). Three part short story. Read it in chinese, then again with English and chinese characters, then followed with the audio chinese.

15 minutes

Diāozhe yú de báihè (White Crane with the fish). Read this short story first in Chinese, read it again with English and Chinese characters, read a third time with pinyin and characters, and finally, I read along with the audio in Chinese.

20 minutes

Kōng Huāpén ( The Empty Flower Pot) Short story elementary level from Read the story in chinese, read it again in english with chinese characters, read it in pin yin with characters, then finally, I read along with it in audio

Thanks for mentioning looks good and have traditional character version so I might give it a try :)

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:101.8%
Hours reported10.18