in Reading challenge, November 2020
90 minutes 1.5h
Word swing text adventure “谁杀李市长?”.
A bit of a Sherlock Holmes myself, even if I do say so myself heh. Now how did I miss 20 points?
130/150 points.
45 minutes 0.75h
Word swing text adventure “县长的画廊”.
65/155 points.
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “迷雾中”.
Moved up one stop in the leaderboard.
438 points.
15 minutes 0.25h
Word swing text adventure “迷雾中”.
Moved up one spot in the leaderboard.
402 points.
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “谁杀李市长?”.
After answering those questions many, I have achieved a perfect score.
150/150 points.
60 minutes 1.0h
Word swing text adventure “县长的画廊”.
Green done. Was somehow more confusing than red. Always knew red was the better color.
155/155 points.
40 minutes 0.67h
Word swing text adventure “县长的画廊”.
Red done.
155/155 points.
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “县长的画廊”.
45/155 points.
45 minutes 0.75h
Word swing text adventure “迷雾中”.
Finally, victory!
391 points.
Woho, very good! :)
Big scary spiders aren't that scary after all. Have a nice checkpoint with an almost flawless run of the sewers, only wasted 2 cans of air on a misclick.
I just noticed a second player beat my score! Only 4 hours ago, so maybe someone in the challenge?
Yeah, there's the user 小库 who has been climbing the ranks these past few weeks. What's your high score to beat? 518?
Yes, I'm Molndrake (Swedish translation of my Chinese name). 519 would do it. :) I don't remember what the tiebreaker is, to be honest.
60 minutes 1.0h
Word swing text adventure “迷雾中”.
Spent the hour mapping the sewers. Verily confus. Manily turns. Creepy grass.
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “迷雾中”。
185 points.
Found the brother, couldn't make it back.
Well done! Which way did you take in?
I've been taking the highway in, but I waste a lot of air, haven't successfully made it in through the sewers.
A strategy tip from the coach: You need to figure out the sewers at some point, and if you want to finish the game, going in through the sewers is certainly better than going out!
Yeah, I've already found that going back out through the highway isn't possible if I came in that way.
You can take either one in and out, but not the same out as you took in. Since the sewers are much, much harder to navigate, it makes sense to do them first.
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “小女孩连结世界记”。
83 turns, 85/175 points.
60 minutes 1.0h
Word swing text adventure “迷雾中”。
145 points.
Found the brother, ran out of air.
60 minutes 1.0h
Word swing text adventure “小女孩连结世界记”。
177 turns, 175/175 points.
Oof, that took a while.
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “小女孩连结世界记”。
Still two checkpoints in . . .
30 minutes 0.5h
Word swing text adventure “小女孩连结世界记”。
Two checkpoints in.
60 minutes 1.0h
Word swing text adventure “小女孩寻猫记”。
First try, 145/150 points.
Hmmm where to find the last 5 points?
60 minutes 1.0h
Finished book 3 of Jeff Pepper's “西游记”, “仙桃”。
Ugh. Now I need to wait until I have money to buy the next one. :C
Also my other graded readers have gotten lost in the mail.
20 minutes 0.33h
Word swing text adventure “小女孩寻猫记”。
Ah yes 大辣,best 辣。 150/150 points.
60 minutes 1.0h
Word swing text adventure “动物园”。
First try, 175/175 points.
A bit tedious. And remember kids, take only what you need and put everything back where you got it when you're done.
10 minutes 0.17h
Word swing text adventure “逃出去”。
Another 3 tries, 155/155 points.
You did it :D
80 minutes 1.33h
Word swing text adventure “逃出去”。
10 tries to win, 115/155 points.
Another 5 tries, 140/155 points.
10 minutes 0.17h
Started book 3 of Jeff Pepper's “西游记”, “仙桃”。
70 minutes 1.17h
Finished book 2 of Jeff Pepper's “西游记” graded reader, “天宫里找麻烦”.
So. Many. Complicated. Names. Leh.
40 minutes 0.67h
Word Swing text adventure “火灾”.
Took 5 attempts, 115/105 points.
115/105? ;)
It's what the app told me in the end!
You outsmarted the game! :)
20 minutes 0.33h
Started book 2 of Jeff Pepper's “西游记” graded reader, “天宫里找麻烦”.
At first I didn't like that the all of the text was written in both characters and pinyin (thankfully on separate pages, so the pinyin doesn't draw my attention away from the characters), but now I've come to appreciate it, especially since the book uses quite a few characters that are new to me, and I keep forgetting how to pronounce them, so having the ability to check their reading without putting the book down, or flipping to the end is very nice.
30 minutes 0.5h
Missed a day, now to catch up.
Jeff Pepper's “西游记” graded reader.
Finished reading book 1, “猴王的诞生”.
15 minutes 0.25h
Squeezed in 15 minutes while waiting for my Chinese class to start.
Jeff Pepper's “西游记” graded reader.
Still reading book 1, “猴王的诞生”.
30 minutes 0.5h
Jeff Pepper's “西游记” graded reader.
Still reading book 1, “猴王的诞生”.
45 minutes 0.75h
Started Jeff Pepper's “西游记” graded reader.
Got through about half of book 1, “猴王的诞生”.
Seems to be quite easy, maybe even easier than “电脑公司的秘密” from Chinese Breeze...
60 minutes 1.0h
Finished (chapters 5-8) Chinese Breeze Level 2 book "电脑公司的秘密"。
Very easy relative to Mandarin Companion level 2 books, probably a tad bit more difficult that level 1.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 21.59 |
Rank | 8th |
Hours reported | 21.59 |
Goal | 15h |
Dunno what else is there to get more points hmm...