in Reading challenge, November 2020

30 minutes

After falling off the wagon for a few days, I wrote out the first story that I'm reading (I'm still not sure if anyone would consider this reading practice), but I think it counts as it contributes to my recognition of the characters.

30 minutes

Re-read my little story a few times. Wrote out the Pinyin of the story because I was getting annoyed at myself for messing up tones. Wanted to take characters out of the equation for a bit to nail down the tones. Recorded myself a few times and smoothed things over a bit. Re-read from the characters a few times after. I'll spend another day on this story, then move on.

20 minutes

Re-read entire little story a few times and recorded myself reading it. Went for a walk and then played it a few times on the walk. My plan is to get comfortable and smooth at reading it, then when I'm decent, I'll record it on my instagram.

30 minutes

I spent about 25 mins reading, looking up the new characters, putting them in Pleco, testing myself on them, and then 5 mins reading my section again at the end of the day. Since I have to look up so much, I'm not actually reading all that much, so initially I didn't record my time for 11/12 as I didn't know if I was justified in counting all that time for a *reading* challenge. However, the work goes toward being able to read more in the future, so I think in the end I should count it. If anyone has opinions, please feel free to share!

20 minutes

It's nice to see that I know more than I think I know! I believe these kids newspapers are actually going to be good reading material and will be more enjoyable than I expected.

30 minutes

Intensive reading from a copy of 國語日報週刊. Learned some new vocab and saved it in Pleco.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:26.6%
Hours reported2.66