in Pronunciation challenge, December 2020
45 minutes 0.75h
AvenueX (YouTube)
- 23 Consonants (13:56)
- Vowels (11:48)
- Tones (20:11)
Listening and repeating consonants and vowels after the speaker. Paying attention to how the speaker pronounces the letters. The speaker mentions in the 'Tones' video about 'Light Tones' which she referred it being 'mainland Chinese' accent which is different from Taiwanese Mandarin accent.
You are welcome, Michael 😊 Happy New Year and may it be a peaceful and prosperous one! See you in the next challenge in a few days
98 minutes 1.63h
Reviewed You Tube's Li Tao's Chinese pronunciation Lessons 2-10
Lesson 2: b p mf (6:16)
Lesson 3: d t n l (10:05)
Lesson 4: s c r (6:48)
Lesson 5: sh ch zh r (7:04)
Lesson 6: x q j (9:31)
Lesson 7: ao ai ou ei ie ia ua uo
ue(w/two dots) (18:44)
Lesson 8: iao iou uai uei (9:23)
Lesson 9: an ang en eng in ing un(w/two dots) ong (17:20)
Lesson 10: ian iang uan uang
uen ueng uan(w/ two dots)
iong (14:24)
259 minutes 4.32h
I had time today to go back over lessons in Bluebird and a lesson from LiTao on YouTube. It was a long review, but like I said, I had the time today :)
Bluebird - Category: Computing Lesson 2
(8:53) - Repeating words and paying attention to pronunciation. Quiz at the end.
Bluebird review past lessons 1 - 5: Repeating the speaker, attention to pronunciation and word recognition with sounds.
1. Agriculture - lesson 1(33:00) /2(15:24)
2. Animals - lesson 1(31:56)/ 2(24:20)
3. Arts - lesson (21:34)
4. Botany - lesson (19:01)
5. Buildings- lesson 1(36:15) /2(36:34)
Learning with LiTao(YouTube)
Pronunciation Lesson 1: a e i o u u(w/two dots) (13:53)
39 minutes 0.65h
Bluebird - Category: Computing (39:05) Lesson 1
Repeating after speaker, paying attention to pronunciation and tones
Quiz after lesson.
32 minutes 0.53h
Bluebird- Category: Comparisons
Lesson 3. Repeating after the speaker and pronunciation.
67 minutes 1.12h
Review Bluebird Category: Comparisons
Lesson 1 (33:25) Lesson 2 (33:40)
Repeating after the speaker and pronunciation.
33 minutes 0.55h
Merry Christmas Everyone! Bluebird- Category: Comparisons
Lesson 2 (33:40)
Repetition of words and repeating after the speaker.
Quiz at the end.
谢 谢 你, Jacenba! 聖誕快樂!
33 minutes 0.55h
Bluebird- Category: Comparisons
Lesson 1 (33:25)
Listening, repeating pronunciation after speaker.
Quiz at the end (as always)
23 minutes 0.38h
Bluebird-Category: Colors(23:01)
Pronunciation practice and repeating after the speaker. Quiz at the end
23 minutes 0.38h
Bluebird- Category: Accessories (23:10) pronunciation and repeating after speaker. Quiz
35 minutes 0.58h
Bluebird - Category: Business Finance (13:49)
Category: Celebrations (21:51)
Pronunciation practice and repeating after the speaker
Quiz at the end of each lesson.
Not included with my pronunciation practice, I like to go back and write down the words I've learned in their characters and pinyin. This helps me with memory and association with the tones, pronunciation and meaning.
149 minutes 2.48h
Bluebird Lessons-
Category: Cities
Lesson 1 (34:55) Lesson 2 (21:46)
Category: Clothes
Lesson 1 (33:29) Lesson 2 (7:47)
Each lesson is practice pronunciation by repeating after the speaker. Quizzed on listening comprehension, word recognition and multiple choice.
Hua Jie Language - Chinese Pronunciation(Youtube) (52:58)
Combined lessons 1 & 2 repeating after the speaker the pronunciation of finals and words.
49 minutes 0.82h
Bluebird- Category : Business
Pronunciation and repeating after the speaker for new words.
Quiz for listening comprehension, word recognition and multiple choice.
Learning with Li Tao (14:24)
Lesson 10 pronunciation with endings ' ian, iang, uan, uang, uen, ueng, uan(u with two dots), iong.
17 minutes 0.28h
Today was 2 short lessons in Bluebird.
Lesson 2 of Buildings/Components (3:49 min)
and Building Materials (14:02min)
Pronunciation and repeating after the speaker. Quiz for listening comprehension and multiple choice.
60 minutes 1.0h
Bluebird Category: Buildings/ Components (34:08 min) Lesson 1 Practice repeating pronunciation after the speaker and new word repetition. Quiz for listening comprehension and multiple choice.
Learning Chinese with Li Tao
Lesson 8 (9:22 min) listening and repeating finals 'iao, iou, uai, uei' and words with these finals.
Lesson 9 (17:20 min) repeating the same exercise as lesson but with different finals and words.
'an, ang, en, eng, in, ing, un(u with two dots), ong'.
LOL! Li Tao is kind of growing on me. Thanks for the tip!
28 minutes 0.47h
Learning with Li Tao (youtube)
Lesson 6 ' x q j' pronunciation and words. (9:31 minutes)
Lesson 7 'ao ai ou ei ie ia ua ue(u with two dots) pronunciation and words
20 minutes 0.33h
Bluebird Lesson 3
Category : Buildings
Pronunciation practice and repeating after the speaker
Quiz for listening comprehension and multiple choice (20:21 minutes)
50 minutes 0.83h
Lesson 2 - Category: Buildings
Practice repeating and pronunciation with native speaker. Quiz for listening comprehension and multiple choice at the end.(36:34 minutes)
Learning with Litao (youtube)
Lesson 4: 's c z' pronunciation practice (6:48)
Lesson 5: 'sh ch zh r' pronunciation practice
39 minutes 0.65h
Practiced pronunciation with 'Learn with Li Tao' on YouTube.
It was the Chinese Pronunciation Course he teaches.
Lesson 1 - Chinese Finals (13:54)
Lesson 2 - Chinese Initials (6:16)
I went through both videos twice.
116 minutes 1.93h
1.Pronunciation and comprehension practice with Bluebird. Category: Buildings
Lesson 1 has 20 words. (36:15 minutes)
2. Learning with Li Tao
Pronunciation lesson 3 (10:05)
Learned to pronounce initial letters 'd t n l g k h' and words starting with these letters with tones.
3. Reviewed yesterday's Learning with Li Tao pronunciation.
Lesson 1- 'a e i o u and u (with two dots above) and tones (13:54 min)
Lesson 2 - 'b p m f' pronunciation and tones (6:16 min)
35 minutes 0.58h
Practiced pronunciation as I wrote down yesterday's vocabulary list of animals...pinyin with tone stroke and number.
29 minutes 0.48h
Another short one today on Bluebird. This category is Botany. Only eleven words, but I had to listen and repeat after the speaker. It's listening comprehension and pronunciation. At the end, there was a quiz. There is always that quiz 😊. This was session was 19 minutes long. Now, the writing of characters, pinyin plus tone and stroke number wasn't as long this time (10 minutes)
As I wrote, I spoke...looking at the tone marks and listening to the google translator, then repeating.
I've played a while with Bluebird's app. Surprisingly, lessons are more complete than I thought and very much focused on practical mimicking. Like, one of the beginner's lesson was 40 minutes discussing a 1 minute dialogue (!). I think it has great potential, but the UI seems a bit broken haha.
48 minutes 0.8h
This was a short learning for core vocabulary today.
Category: Arts (21:34 minutes)
Listening comprehension and repeating the words. Worked on pronunciation.
Practice pronunciation (27 minutes) as I wrote down characters, pinyin with tone marks and numbers for today's new vocabulary.
60 minutes 1.0h
Reviewed the 28 agriculture words. Practice saying the words as I wrote down the character, the pinyin and the tone stroke and number to help with pronunciation. I would playback the speaker on Google translate.
I noticer that the word for 'berries' (浆果 jiang1guo3) and 'nuts'(坚果 jian1 guo3) sound almost the same and almost spelled the same. The only difference was one extra 'g'. This pronunciation challenge is also working with 'hearing' as well as pronunciation, because what you hear and how you hear is what you will repeat. Yep, this is something I needed to work on!
Good insight on the importance of what you hear being so important to what you repeat! That one's going into my notes! Also: Look at you at the top of the Leaderboard! Go Tessa! :-)
Note that jiang and jian have more differences than an extra g! Of course, "n" and "ng" are different sounds, but beyond that, the vowel sounds are also different. The final -ian is pronounced [iɛn], but -iang is [iɑŋ]. Without knowing IPA, it's hard describe exactly, but -ian has an "e sound" as in English "bed", but -iang is an "a" pronounced further back. This is a good example of where you need to know how Pinyin works and can't just trust that the letters mean what you think they mean. :)
-AN vs -ANG is indeed trickier than it seems when thinking in Pinyin. I think I even got to the point of saying something like /ɛŋ/ and it starts sounding like French. IPA (or Zhuyin many times) really helps.
Nitpicking, but since I don't know if you know or not, I'll say it anyway: My comment is relevant for -ian and -iang specifically, not -an and -ang, which indeed are pretty close (-an is a front open vowel and -ang is back open vowel, but the difference is not that big). The [ɛ] only occurs in -ian and -üan. This is exactly the kind of thing I'm going through in great detail in the course, by the way. :)
I like nitpicking about vowels haha. What I meant is that, some years ago, before knowing the theory and listening to real Chinese, I used to mix the -ian case with the -an case (i.e, like saying /æn/ for 安) because I thought all pinyin's "a" where "/æ/" (which led to disastrous results). Then, when scrutinising Chinese IPA I realized the mistake.
Thanks Olle and Jacenba! Again, my pronunciation and listening comprehension is a much needed work :). You inputs are valuable to my learning! Michael, thanks for your rooting me on. I was surprised to even see me at lead.
-An and -Ang sound alike to me when listening to the native speaker speak. It wasn't until I researched out both words that I saw the spelling was different. The Bluebird app doesn't give pinyin when teaching the words, only the characters. I had to go and look on Google translate to see the pinyin. This is what I like about learning Chinese, there are so many layers to learn. I will definitely get an audio listening for these endings or bopofomo as it's called's bopofomo
Correcting myself again...bopomofo. Anyone, please recommend a site and/or app for this. Thank you!
110 minutes 1.83h
Reviewed yesterday's vocabulary list pronunciation. 55 minutes
Today's practice:
Bluebird language app.
Core vocabulary
Category: Animals
Lesson 1 and Quizzes 31 minutes
Lesson 2 and Quizzes 24 minutes
53 minutes 0.88h
Bluebird language app.
Core vocabulary
Category: Agriculture
Lesson 1 and Quizzes 33 minutes
Lesson 2 and Quizzes 20 minutes
Cool! Never heard of Bluebird. Do you like it? I think the only vaguely agriculture related word I know is 田.
Hi Michael, Sorry for late response. YES, I LIKE BLUEBIRD! They have sections for sentences, verbs, core vocabulary, etc. You work on listening, speaking and character recognition all at once, then, you are quizzed at the end. They have beginners section, intermediate and advanced. I am glad I found the app :)
Cool. Thanks! Checking it out.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 25.8 |
Rank | 1st |
Hours reported | 25.8 |
Goal | 10h |
You always find so much good stuff on YouTube! Thanks & Happy New Year!