in Listening challenge, January 2021
50 minutes 0.83h
Final report! I was so busy with the pronunciation course that I didn't have time to download and listen to more 李永乐老师. I still finished a sizeable proportion of his content on YT; I'll work my way through the rest later (maybe next challenge?). I will also write something about this, probably an article in the next month or so. God job everybody who participated in the challenge! Thanks for playing! :)
100 minutes 1.67h
30 minutes 0.5h
10 minutes 0.17h
20 minutes 0.33h
40 minutes 0.67h
100 minutes 1.67h
140 minutes 2.33h
20 minutes 0.33h
Busiest day in a while, got almost no listening done. 李永乐老师.
50 minutes 0.83h
Very busy day today, so only got 20 minutes of listening done. 李永乐老师 as usual! Will I be able to listen to every single video on his channel before the end of the challenge? We'll see! :)
Adding 30 minutes I listened before falling asleep.
90 minutes 1.5h
60 minutes 1.0h
180 minutes 3.0h
12k run with my friend 李永乐老师, plus some listening during the day.
60 minutes 1.0h
80 minutes 1.33h
More 李永乐老师!
100 minutes 1.67h
More 李永乐老师! Mostly relistening to episodes I've downloaded to my phone while running (12k). Cold, snowy but quite nice.
100 minutes 1.67h
More 李永乐老师! Actually, I'm not sure how many I listened to, but it's more than an hour and less than two. Let's say 80 minutes! I particularly liked this one about the Fermi Paradox:
+40 more later in the evening
160 minutes 2.67h
More 李永乐老师, working my way through the 感悟人生系列 playlist, almost done in fact: (
80 minutes 1.33h
More 李永乐老师, working my way through the 感悟人生系列 playlist (
150 minutes 2.5h
Watched or listened to five 李永乐老师 ( videos, including:
+ Some relistening before sleep
You really need to look for content with more words per minute! :)
I really like the content of 李永乐老师, but he speaks really really fast! Like, that's too many words per minute and very technic at times. It gets difficult to process haha
Whoa! I've never heard anyone speak that fast, not even on China Radio International.
Interesting note - the guy speak fast, but the pronunciation is quite clear.
Yeah, almost every word is actually pronounced and I find it relatively comfortable to listen to. I choose episodes that don't have a lot of math, because since I listen only, they would be pretty hard to understand without seeing what he's doing. The first one mentioned here, 学霸为啥总不学习?寒门为啥总出贵子?帅哥为啥都是渣男?, was a lot easier after watching it. The others were not a problem, though, work without the video. I also appreciate the fact that his explanations of various concepts are admirably pedagogical. He at least used to be a teacher at a very prestigious school in Beijing, but being a teacher myself, I'm constantly reminded of how well-composed and pedagogical some of his explanations are. Naturally, they are twice as fast as they should be, but apart from that. :)
I tried it yesterday out of curiosity (and understood almost nothing as I'm roughly at an intermediate level) but I totally agree that he has a good enounciation. Every sentence felt as if I could understand it ! On the other hand, I'm not used to handwritten chinese, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to read what he writes!
Yeah, this is not very beginner or intermediate friendly, really. He does speak fairly clearly and his videos are very well planned, but he speaks very fast and unless you're a very advanced student, there will be many, many new words. You don't have to read his handwriting, though, just turn on the subtitles! There's also a browser extension called Language Learning with YouTube you can check out. I'm going to write something about this once the challenge is over, so stay tuned!
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 27.0 |
Rank | 13th |
Hours reported | 27.0 |
Profile | |
Goal | 20h |
That would a challenge by itself! Hahaha