in Listening challenge, January 2021

600 minutes

Well, difficult to describe. With one free bud I listen to Chinese sources 10 hours a day. Of course it is not really active learning, I just finish my challenge and leave it there. Sources 企鹅FM, ChinesePod and some webradio and other podcasts. Olle, if you don't feel convenient with me, feel free to cancel my challenge. 老爸满恩德鸡蛋男人

600 minutes

Well, difficult to describe. With one free bud I listen to Chinese sources 10 hours a day. Because it is not really active learning, I just finish my challenge and leave it there. Sources 企鹅FM, ChinesePod and some webradio and other podcasts. Olle, if you don't feel convenient with me, feel free to cancel my challenge. 老爸满恩德鸡蛋男人

Where do I cancel this?

What do you mean by cancel? It's up to you how you count. :) The purpose is to encourage everybody to learn more than they would have without the challenge. If you don't think it's fruitful to register passive listening, maybe estimate how much of it is active and see if you can increase that?

Oh, I understand! You can't delete entries at the moment, I'm afraid. Two options: 1) Update the second one next time you register time, instead of creating a new one. 2) Change the time to 1 minute (as close to 0 as makes no difference).

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:200.0%
Hours reported20.0