in Listening challenge, January 2021
25 minutes 0.42h
Listened to 北京文艺广播 评书 about 太平天国
20 minutes 0.33h
北京文艺广播 listened for 20 minutes
20 minutes 0.33h
Watched 10 minutes of 欢乐颂 10 minutes of Chinese radio app
20 minutes 0.33h
Finished episode 2 of 欢乐颂
15 minutes 0.25h
Watched 15 minutes of 欢乐颂
15 minutes 0.25h
Watched 15 minutes of second episode of 欢乐颂
25 minutes 0.42h
Watched 欢乐颂 (Ode to Joy) for 15 minutes completed first episode. Surfed Chinese radio app for 10 minutes nothing really caught my interest.
30 minutes 0.5h
Watched 欢乐颂 (Ode to Joy) for 30 minutes
20 minutes 0.33h
Listened to 北京故事广播
30 minutes 0.5h
Listened to 北京文艺广播 for 15 minutes listened to 北京城市广播 for 10 minutes watched 欢乐颂 (Ode to Joy) for 5 minutes
30 minutes 0.5h
Listened to 北京文艺广播 again
25 minutes 0.42h
Listened to 北京文艺广播
25 minutes 0.42h
Listened to 北京文艺广播
40 minutes 0.67h
Listened to 北京文艺广播
20 minutes 0.33h
Listened to CNR 有声阅读频道
20 minutes 0.33h
Listened to CNR 有声阅读频道
30 minutes 0.5h
Listened to 30 minutes of CNR 有声阅读频道
30 minutes 0.5h
Listened to北京故事广播for 30 minutes
30 minutes 0.5h
Watched a other 30 minutes of 白日焰火
30 minutes 0.5h
Watched another 30 minutes of 白日焰火
30 minutes 0.5h
Watched 30 minutes of movie 白日焰火
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 8.83 |
Rank | 36th |
Hours reported | 8.83 |
Goal | 15h |