in Listening challenge, January 2021

30 minutes

Pop music! Nothing new, but I did a lot of singing along.

20 minutes

Chinesepod upper intermediate dialogue. It had some professional/business-y terms that I'm not familiar, but not hard enough that I couldn't follow the conversation.

70 minutes

Chatting with tutor. She's a bit...talkative, but that can be useful in it's own way, because I have to think quickly to be able to contribute to the conversation

30 minutes

Chinesepod lesson 1.5x. Still haven't decided if I prefer these to native content...if nothing else I appreciate have the study materials prepared for me

50 minutes

2 Chinesepod episodes, some music and a short reality show clip. Today's word: 炯炯有神 bright and piercing (eyes)

120 minutes

《流星花园》 episode whatever. I watched it once alone, and again with my tutor. I forced myself to listen less actively than usual, just to see how much I could catch without having to look up everything. A 成语 for today: 门当户对

20 minutes

A Chinesepod dialogue and review. I've never actually used CP before, but I've been trying out some new resources that are a bit less challenging/brain-hurty

150 minutes

Watched a bunch of Taiwanese Youtubers playing Among Us. Docked 30 minutes since there were lots of bits with no actual dialogue. Very casual, lots of crosstalk and shouting

60 minutes

《奔跑吧》, bit of various episodes. One of the games involved a bit of a riddle/wordplay, so I re-listened to see if I could solve it on my own. (I could not. My future in reality tv is looking dim)

120 minutes

《流星花园》, one ep active listening + recap with tutor. Got to witness a classic "I'll give you a million dollars to break up with my son" scene

30 minutes

《万万没想到:千一钧发》, passively. New word: 灵位 memorial tablet

61 minutes

Part 2 of the 还愿 playthrough. I didn't think I'd watch the whole thing, but it turned out to be pretty interesting and well-made (the game I mean).

45 minutes

Last part of the 还愿 playthrough...I think this is the first time I've cried watching someone play a videogame??? Wow. Anyway, new words I learned: 冥府 netherworld,赎罪 atone for a crime, 郁金香 tulip

45 minutes

Watched part of a Taiwanese Youtuber's playthrough of 还愿/Devotion. Docking 2 mintues bc he occasionally switched to Taiwanese(??) during scary moments.

30 minutes

More pop music. Trying to really focus on purely listening; I've realized I have a tendency to picture the hanzi in my head while I'm listening rather than just listening for meaning. I'm overthinking it...

50 minutes

Ep 2 of《天黑请闭眼》playing in the bg at work. I've watched this show before, more or less actively, so relistening is effectively vocab review/testing how much I remember. Today's word: 气喘, which might be a spoiler lol

150 minutes

Variety of passive listening; some pop music, “Close Your Eyes Before It's Dark" on Netflix playing in the bg.

100 minutes

《奔跑吧》again, episode 12 and a short re-skim of 1. I learned the word for veterinarian! (兽医 I think)

40 minutes

More 《奔跑吧》. This makes for good passive listening since it's a game show more or less; I can follow it fairly well without understanding every single word.

20 minutes

An episode of the "Chinese colloquialized" podcast and some music while driving.

240 minutes

Watched a few episodes of 《奔跑吧》. I can only keep up with them a fraction of the time, but I like that I can hear a lot of different accents at once

120 minutes

《奔跑吧》episode 10 passive listening, then I listened to and practiced/memorized the song "Super Star" by S.H.E.

138 minutes

《奔跑吧》Ep.9, listened a bit more actively this time

120 minutes

Watched episode 9 of Meteor Garden (Taiwan version). It's still slow going; getting through a 1 hour ep takes 2 hours or so. This one was relatively exciting--a hostage situation, a fight scene, lots of beer. Chatted with a tutor afterwards to go over the vocab Pleco couldn't help me with.

14 minutes

《暗恋橘生淮南》ep 1 again...hit some difficult dialogue and had to repeat it a lot/briefly turn on 字幕 to catch everything

14 minutes

2 episodes of 《万万没想到》. The first one I watched twice, with Pleco open the 2nd time to look up words I missed. These are extremely silly, and the main actor has that Beijing accent that gives me trouble, but the eps are quick and entertaining.

24 minutes

Watched some of 《暗恋橘生淮南》 ep 1 with 字幕 off. Only misheard 3 or 4 words, a nice change of pace from Taiwanese shows.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:79.6%
Hours reported31.84