in Listening challenge, January 2021
40 minutes 0.67h
While driving to the office! Much more interesting than endless talks on the radio
Thank you forking path !
10 minutes 0.17h
10 minutes of tattoos in china by mandarin corner before going to sleep
30 minutes 0.5h
Mandarin corner : china & tattoos
38 minutes 0.63h
Mandrin Corner
100 minutes 1.67h
back to basics : Mandarin Corner
and also some PJ masks. As it was mainly background listening, I only report part of it.
5 minutes 0.08h
Today, I just listened to some music
10 minutes 0.17h
the forking path didn't lead me to chinese today, but I still needed to hear some before going to bed to meet my objective for this challenge : listening practice every single day !
45 minutes 0.75h
I'm still not bored of PJ masks! short and dynamic stories. Now that i'm getting used to it, the speech speed is less and less a problem. Nailing it !
70 minutes 1.17h
I wandered on "听故事学中文" (difficult to find free stories) and (I'm not at that level yet!),
and finally went back to PJ mask, 睡衣小英雄第一季
50 minutes 0.83h
No time to search for new listening ressources today, so Mandarin corner again! (I love those videos)
70 minutes 1.17h
"Mandarin Corner : Rock Climbing Chinese Girl" much more subjects in it than just rock climbing : interesting listening practice !
Pj masks cartoon. Same episode as yesterday, but normal speed. Now I can understand !
110 minutes 1.83h
last available episodes of 西游记
1 episode of pyjamask, but several times and at 0.75x normal speed. quite difficult for me.
an episode of mandarin corner in passive/background listening
40 minutes 0.67h
西游记 ép. 17-24
20 minutes 0.33h
not much time left after work !
西游记 ep 13-16
120 minutes 2.0h
watched "Mandarin corner : why are some chinese men so feminine?" two times : active listening then passive listening
西游记 ep 9-12
120 minutes 2.0h
Following Yafinka's report, I watched 西游记 ep 1-8. The story is told with a clear enounciation and using accessible vocabulary (the illustrations help a lot too)
I also wandered on WordSwing and tried some chinese text games as hinted by Olle. I had a lot of fun with the beginning of "Pepper and Carrot" and "Murder in the tea room" (no reading, only listening for the challenge).
To be continued !
60 minutes 1.0h
two episodes of "Fairyland Lovers" and "Mandarin Corner : talking about chinese beauty standards"
but only in passive listening so I divided the reported time by two
35 minutes 0.58h
Mandarin Corner : Chinese Beauty Standards
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 16.22 |
Rank | 23rd |
Hours reported | 16.22 |
Goal | 11h |
I agree they are underrated! It's nice to get used to the different accents and how people really talk.