in Vocabulary challenge, June 2021

30 minutes

dining out flashcard review

60 minutes

30 Min review dining words
30 min listening to new dining dialogues and vocab

60 minutes

30 Min reviewing old vocabulary: Travel, Transportation, Money
30 min learning new Restaurant, Tipping and Food vocabulary

120 minutes

Spent one hour on weekly call with Chinese (native speaker) language exchange call reviewing my vocab lists.
30 Min listening to dialogues and sentences containing travel, transportation and internet vocab.
30 min studying work vocabulary.

60 minutes

Signed up for FluentU trial. Watched three videos with travel and transportation words I have been studying. Added some new words to the list. I don't know if I'll sub, but I am able to get myself around on the train or bus in Shanghai when I visit. Important stuff.

60 minutes

Reviewed Audio flashcards and sentences for Internet. Added more 5 more words for internet. Also reviewed words and sentences for Travel and Transportation. Need to review work words.

60 minutes

Added 10 new words to internet flashcards, reviewed travel and transportation vocab. Studied to internet, travel and transportation audio sentences. Reviewed Ch 8 Of Remembering Hanzi on Skritter.

60 minutes

Reviewed audio flash cards for Travel, Work and Transportation words. Added 10 Internet audio flashcards to list. Read this article on HC: Should You Focus on Learning Chinese Words or Phrases.

30 minutes

Review audio flash cards Read the second half of Chapt 8 of Remembering Hanzi.

30 minutes

added more work words to audio flashcards, reviewed travel and transportation words.

30 minutes

on my walk listened to audio flashcards: work ( new) and review travel.

60 minutes

Read 1/2 of Ch 8 Remembering Hanzi. Reviewed Travel vocab. Added office words. whew.

30 minutes

Tired today from work. Only did a 30 min audio review of vocab words on my walk and then read part of Remembering Hanzi chp 8. The transportation words are getting easier, so tomorrow I will add audio sentences to the mix.

60 minutes

Reviewed Transportation audio flashcards. Reviewed Ch 6 and 7 vocab Remembering Hanzi on Skritter.

60 minutes

Reviewed transportation words; had zoom call with Language partner with a word quiz. Read HC articles on learning vocabulary.

60 minutes

Reviewed hotel and travel vocabulary. added additonal transportation words.Reviewed ch 6 of Remembering Hanzi.

60 minutes

Reviewed Travel and hotel vocabulary and read lesson 6 of Learning Hanzi book.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:77.5%
Hours reported15.5