in Listening challenge, May 2021

25 minutes

Developing Chinese, Intermediate Listening Course (I) 课文,画家和他的孙女
Listening and following the text from the scripts. Wrote down unfamiliar words.

50 minutes

Learning Chinese through stories podcast. 成语故事 A famous Chinese idiom story.
I was listening to it several times at first trying to understand what was the story about. Then I copied the text to Purple Culture to get pinying for the words. Went through all the words to write down and listen to the words I didn´t know. After that, I listened again a few times. It had many new words.
战国时,有一个宋国的农夫,他每天都到田里辛苦地工作,来维持全家的生活。 有一天,那个农夫又像往常一样到田里工作的时候,看到一只跑得非常急的兔子,从草丛中窜出来时,竟然不小心一下撞死在田边的大树旁。“哇!怎么有这种事?我真是幸运。要是天天有这么样的大兔子送上门来的话,不是比耕田的收获更多吗?而且田里的工作忙也忙不完,哪有在树下捡兔子来得轻松啊?”农夫心中想着,就捡起兔子回家去了。 从此以后,那个农夫不再耕田了,每天就坐在田边的大树下,等候兔子来撞树自杀。日子一天一天地过去了,都没有等到一只兔子,可是那个农夫仍然不死心,还是每天坐在树下。 “哼!我就不相信!今天等不到,明天总会等到吧!” 过了好几个月,不仅没捡到兔子,连兔子的影子都没见着呢!农夫的那几块地,也因为太久没有耕种,都荒芜了。

50 minutes

One Chinese Word a Day podcast - words, 新, 说, and 天. I listened to one episode three times, wrote down words and sentences that I heard. Each episode offers three words and three sentences. So, for 新 they offer words like 新年, 新鲜, and 更新. And three sentences with that word. I actually had to listen several times to catch word by word to write down the sentence.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:20.8%
Hours reported2.08