in Listening challenge, May 2021
59 minutes 0.98h
Immersive Chinese Lesson 28 x 7 I understand about half of the sentences now.
I Love Learning Chinese Level 1Lesson 9 x 2 This is pretty good, I understand almost everything.
98 minutes 1.63h
I Love Learning Chinese Level 1 Lessons (6, 7, 8) x 2 These lessons are very helpful, because they also have printed dialog, and vocabulary.
Immersive Chinese Lesson 28 x 8 This lesson is still very difficult to understand, but I'll get it.
13 minutes 0.22h
I Love Learning Chinese Level 1 Lesson 5 x 2
This was pretty easy, I'll move upward tomorrow.
42 minutes 0.7h
Imperial Coroner Episodes 19, 20, 21, & 22
Immersive Chinese Lesson 28 x 7
The videos are compelling, but when watching, I read the sub titles, and do not hear the dialog, save a few words. The sentences in the lesson despite hearing them over and over again, I can't understand what they are saying very well.
42 minutes 0.7h
Immersive Chinese Lesson 28 x 7
36 minutes 0.6h
Immersive Chinese Lesson 28 x 6
36 minutes 0.6h
Immersive Chinese Lesson 27 x 6
56 minutes 0.93h
Immersive Chinese lesson27 x 6. Easy Chinese Podcast Ep. 2 x 2
The podcast was interesting and for the most part understandable.
36 minutes 0.6h
The Imperial Coroner] EP18——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi . Immersive Chinese Lesson 27 x 6
I've just about got the lesson (27) understood, I think one more day should be enough to move on.
186 minutes 3.1h
The Imperial Coroner] EP14——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
The Imperial Coroner] EP15——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
The Imperial Coroner] EP16——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
The Imperial Coroner] EP17——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
immersive Chinese Lesson 27 x 6
The videos are addicting, but I cannot following the dialog. I can only catch a few words here and there. Starting tomorrow, I will continue to watch, but will no longer report the amount of time I spend as listening time.
150 minutes 2.5h
The Imperial Coroner] EP11——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
The Imperial Coroner] EP12——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
The Imperial Coroner] EP13——Starring: Su Xiaotong, Wang Ziqi
Immersive Chinese Lesson 27 x 5
Watching/listening to these episodes is getting addicting, but still not the best for my comprehension.
Listening to the Immersive lessons and being able to read the text and pinyin, and translation is very helpful.
111 minutes 1.85h
Immersive Chinese Lesson 27 (5 times)
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner】EP09 秦栾起恶意,黔州设伏逼其大乱方寸(苏晓彤、王子奇)
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner》第10集——萧瑾瑜送楚楚回家借机打听巫医 冷月为楚楚以身挡剑
The sentence reviews were very helpful. The videos on the other hand are very interesting, but the dialog is too difficult to follow without reading the subtitles very attentively.
160 minutes 2.67h
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner】EP05 楚楚验得真相,凶手遁逃(苏晓彤、王子奇)
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner】EP06 西平公主述往事,佞臣乱党致悲剧(苏晓彤、王子奇)
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner】EP07 冷月归来,楚楚吃醋差点道出真相(苏晓彤、王子奇)
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner】EP08 唐宣宗发怒,冷月救场(苏晓彤、王子奇)
Very interesting, but I think the English sub titles, hurt more than they help. I find I am reading the sub titles, and not hearing "A LOT" of the dialog.
42 minutes 0.7h
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner》第03集——冯尚书遇害抓痕起疑 楚楚扮侍女验尸
30 minutes 0.5h
Immersive Chinese Lessons 26 & 27
54 minutes 0.9h
御赐小仵作 The Imperial Coroner》第02集——楚楚遭劫持 幸得萧瑾瑜派人救下
English Subs. I paid too much attention to the subs, missed a lot of the dialogs.
60 minutes 1.0h
China TV drama. I bit off a little more than I could chew.
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 20.18 |
Rank | 15th |
Hours reported | 20.18 |
Goal | 21h |