in Reading challenge, July 2021
120 minutes 2.0h
120 minutes 2.0h
hsk5 articles
120 minutes 2.0h
HSK5 articles
60 minutes 1.0h
Reading Manga on MMandarin before I went to bed.
These days I was quite busy at work so I couldn't really spend that much time reading in Chinese, but I'll try to squeeze in at least 4 more hours of reading before the challenge ends. Obviously not gonna reach my initial goal, but I think 20 hours of Chinese (reading) in a month (not including other activities like writing, speaking, listening, which I've spend around 10 more hours on) is not bad at all.
60 minutes 1.0h
I did some reading comprehension from my HSK 5 Standart workbook. I've noticed that while the coursebook sticks (for the most part) to the standard HSK5 syllabus vocabulary, the workbook (which questions are in the format of the exam) has soooo many not only HSK6 words, but also totally unrelated ones. I regularly stumble upon words, such as 弯路, 称之为, 组分, etc., and while I think's normal to see them here and there, now I just find myself looking up the meaning of every 5th word...
120 minutes 2.0h
Rereading some articles from my HSK5 coursebook
120 minutes 2.0h
Various articles on DuChinese
120 minutes 2.0h
Thanks, Ariane. I'll check out the resources you listed.
120 minutes 2.0h
Wordswing dialogues
60 minutes 1.0h
"The Fighting Cricket" by Pu Songling
60 minutes 1.0h
120 minutes 2.0h
90 minutes 1.5h
Du Chinese
"Beauty Trap of the Three Kingdoms"
60 minutes 1.0h
DuChinese 蒲松龄的《画皮》
60 minutes 1.0h
60 minutes 1.0h
60 minutes 1.0h
赵树理的《 小二黑結婚 》
30 minutes 0.5h
90 minutes 1.5h
我看完了汉语水平考试标准教程第五课的课文。标题是《人生有选择,一切可改变》, 而这个文章是关于翟峰家庭的航海旅行。虽然他们的经济条件非常的好,工作稳定,有房什么的,但是翟峰不喜欢他那个时候的生活方式。 一天,他看电视的时候看见了一个关于航海的节目, 结果迷上了帆船。他卖了他们的房,车,而买下了一艘二手船。他们经历了八个月的航海, 航行了4000海里之后,终于回到了家。
30 minutes 0.5h
《Studying Chinese Characters》
《A Bad Pronunciation Joke》
《Do Chinese Use “Ni Hao”?》
《Photo Liar》
《The Meaning of “Luan”》
《Lucky in Love》
20 minutes 0.33h
DuChinese《Witches loaves》一个女人爱上了每天来到她面包店买干面包的画家, 她以为那位画家很穷,而一直想帮助他, 但她的好意只带来了这位男生麻烦。
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 28.33 |
Rank | 2nd |
Hours reported | 28.33 |
Profile | |
Goal | 40h |
Hello, I read most of my articles on a chinese app '澎湃新闻' or articles from the chinese version of the New York times (I think the BBC also have a chinese version but it's not as good) You can also find articles in chinese on the different websites of Chinese newspapers (People's Daily, China Daily,...) but I personally find it harder to read. Happy reading! 😁