in Translation challenge, October 2021

25 minutes

Translated the notes from a Slow Chinese podcast 9 - 王府井. Some of the food names sounded "odd" in translation, so I did some quick research to see if I could get a better translation.

53 minutes

Translated 东京艺术展邀请小偷来碰运气 (HSK 6) on The Chairman's Bao. I first translated myself line by line, then checked what Google Translate said. There was one sentence where I got a bit stuck.

53 minutes

Translated 美国NFL橄榄球球队宣布改名 (HSK 5) on The Chairman's Bao. Took me a bit longer, since it was HSK 5 level.

49 minutes

Translated 悉尼市将使用100%的可再生能源供电 (HSK 4) on The Chairman's Bao. There were some grammar stuctures I hadn't seen before, which meant that it took a while to translate.

49 minutes

Translated sample articles from The Chairman's Bao: 上海漂亮的老房子 (HSK 1); 海口是中国十大好城市之一 (HSK 2); 中国举行普通话推广周活动 (HSK 3). I also read the grammar explanations to check my understanding of the sentences as well.

49 minutes

Translated the notes from the following Slow Chinese podcasts: 4 - 中国人准时吗?; 5 - 数字手势

49 minutes

Translated the notes from the following Slow Chines podcast episodes: 2 - 今天,你Q了吗?; 3 - 在饭店吃饭

49 minutes

IWC Unit 23

(1) Hong Kong can be democratic and free. Moreover, its economic system won’t change.

(2) Could I ask, the People’s Republic of China is composed of how many provinces?

(3) My name is Li. Pleased to meet you. I’m willing to voluntarily serve as your guide.
我性李。很高兴见到你。 我愿意自愿担任您的向导。

(4) Hong Kong takes banking, industry, and commerce as the most important things.

(5) We must preserve traditional Chinese culture!

(6) China’s official language is none other than Putonghua.

(7) Hong Kong has implemented mother tongue educational policy. Schools basically use the students’ native language in class.
香港推行母语教育政策。 学校在课堂上基本上使用学生的母语。

(8) I’m interested in Chinese geography, history, language, and culture—all of them.

(9) How many countries are there in the world that could be considered developed countries?

(10) The American government welcomes the Chinese government to send someone to participate in this informal meeting.

IWC Unit 24

(1) The total population of Vietnam is 90 million, of which approximately 2% are Chinese.

(2) The Chinese language in Taiwan has been influenced by the dialects there (lit. in this place).

(3) So far as I know, the Beijing Zoo was founded in 1906.

(4) That little tiger has absolutely not been weaned yet.

(5) Due to the natural environment’s having been continuously destroyed, China’s tigers have already reached the point where they will soon die out.

(7) That is an independent middle school. It accepts only female students.
那是一所独立中学。 它只接受女学生。

(8) Where was this desktop computer manufactured?

(9) Tomorrow I’m going to a clothing store to buy some new athletic wear.

(10) I’d like to buy one of those newest model computers that can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
我想购买一台可以通过 Wi-Fi 连接到 Internet 的最新型号计算机。

49 minutes

IWC Unit 21

(1) Her luck is often bad. Her roommate’s luck, on the other hand, is extremely good.

(2) He participates in three ball teams, but his schoolwork is good, so it’s OK.

(3) See you tomorrow morning at 8:00 sharp in front of the gymnasium!

(4) Last spring her roommate joined thirteen clubs—really too many!
去年春天,她的室友加入了 13 个俱乐部——真的太多了!

(5) If there’s vacation on that day, I want to stay at home and do homework.

(6) Those three soccer teams are all world-famous, strong teams.
这三支足球队都是世界著名的强队 。

(7) I’ll watch whichever television program you watch.

(8) You know, that war film is quite intense.

(9) At home, you depend on (your) parents. When you go out, you depend on friends.

(10) Now, after all, during what period was the Great Wall really constructed?

IWC Unit 22

(1) Male comrades sit here. Female comrades sit there!

(2) That hospital has several doctors who understand English.

(3) Maybe the problem of climate change can still be solved.
(4) Her purse, passport, and various kinds of identification papers were all stolen.
她的钱包,护照, 和各种身份证明文件都被偷了。

(5) Tomorrow there’s a test. You quickly go to the library to study!
明天有考试。 你快去图书馆学习吧!
(6) Last Friday when I took the train, I lost my purse.

(7) If (they) inspect it first, then there shouldn’t be any danger.

(8) Last week she got hurt and her clothes were torn.

(9) Little Fei didn’t take care of his own wallet, and as a result it got stolen.

(10) Give him some repair* money. To wait for someone to come is not very worthwhile.
给他一些钱做修理。 等待某人的到来并不是很值得。
*it translated better when I changed it to “money to do repairs”.

49 minutes

Translation Ex. page 17-20.

(1) He finished taking the exam and then he got sick.
1. 他写完了考试,然后就生病的。
2. 他完成了考试,然后生病了。

(2) Children always like to run all over the place.
1. 孩子们到处总是喜欢到处跑。

(3) I prefer taking ships. I don’t like very much to take planes.
1. 我更喜欢坐船。我不太喜欢坐飞机。

(4) My thesis is about comparative literature. What is your thesis about?
1. 我的论文是关于比较文学。你的论文呢?
2. 我的论文是关于比较文学的。 你的论文是关于什么的?

(5) (You) should pay attention to (your) health (body)!
1. 你应该请注意你的健康!
(6) China and Vietnam are both communist countries.
1. 中国和越南是都共产主义国家。

(7) It’s possible that the spoken language of extroverted students is relatively more fluent.
1. 外向的学生能更流利。
2. 可能是外向的学生口语比较流利。

(8) Time passes really quickly. Blink your eyes and then a year (has passed).
1. 时间过得真快。 眨眼,然后一年过去了。(Google Translate only)

(9) Although the job’s responsibilities are heavy, I believe I can fulfill the responsibilities.
1. 虽然工作的责任重的,但是我相信我相信我可以履行职责。

(10) Her parents both teach at Shanghai No. 23 Middle School.
1. 她的父母都教在上海市第23中学。

(1) I like to sing and paint. What are your hobbies?
1. 我喜欢唱歌和画画。你的爱好是什么?

(2) You say they went to visit a factory? No wonder I haven’t seen them today!
1. 你说她们去了访问一家工厂吗?怪不得我今天不过见她们!
2. 你说他们去参观工厂? 难怪我今天没看到他们!

(3) Sir, please help me take a photo. All right?
1. 先生,请帮我拍个照。好的?

(4) There are many things that even graduate students don’t understand.
1. 有很多的事甚至研究生不懂。

(5) My father told her Shanghai is the capital of the People’s Republic of China!
1. 我爸爸她告诉了香港是中华人民共和国首都!

(6) Excuse me, in the future what plans do you have?
1. 请问,在将来你有什么计划?

(7) That new movie tells the story of an American musician in the 1960s.
1. 那个新的电影讲美国音乐家在1960 年代的故事。
2. 那部新电影讲述了 1960 年代一位美国音乐家的故事。

(8) I’ve never ever seen this type of film before.
1. 我从来没有看过这种电影。
2. 我以前从未看过这种类型的电影。

(9) The seats are not bad: upstairs, row 1, numbers 7 and 8.
1. 座位还不错:楼上,第 1 行,编号 7 和 8。
(10) That romantic film I’ve seen three times, but the main content I still don’t understand.
1. 我三遍看过那个爱情电影,但是我还不懂主要内容。
2. 那部爱情片我看了三遍,但主要内容我还是不明白。

49 minutes

Translated some more exercises from my Nanjing University course assignments. Some things were still difficult to translate, such as Chinese place names and English colloquial dialects.
Chinese to English
1.雇员和志愿者支持博物馆运行的可持续发展,这一点非常重要,因为他们是促成变化的使者。为了得到他们的认同和接受, 必须让全体员工都参与到可持续发展的工作中来,明确可持续发展措施的影响,同时鼓励所有利益共享者在日常工作中朝着可持续发展的方向努力。 
2. 长城在民族和国家分裂的春秋战国及南北朝和宋、辽、金、元、西夏时期,是国家统一、民族融合、经济文化交流的障碍;长城的修筑,长城内外的各族人民付出了极大代价。 
3. 大报恩寺遗址位于南京中华门外古长干里,这里是南朝寺庙的发祥地和江南佛教中心,东吴大帝孙权建江南首寺——建初寺,供奉“感应舍利”,长干里遂崇称“佛陀里”,江南大地自此佛法大兴。 

1. Employees and volunteers support the sustainable development of museum operations, which is very important because they are the messengers of change. In order to get their recognition and acceptance, all employees must be involved in the work of sustainable development, clarify the impact of sustainable development measures, and encourage all stakeholders to work towards sustainable development in their daily work.

2. The Great Wall of China was an obstacle to national unity, ethic integration and economic and cultural exchanges during various periods in history. This includes the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the Northern and Southern dynasties, as well as the Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan and Western Xia Dynasties. People of all ethnic groups inside and outside the Great Wall paid a great price for the construction of the Great Wall.

3. The site of the Great Bao’en Temple is located in Guchangganli outside Zhonghuamen, Nanjing. This is the birthplace of the Southern Dynasty temples and the center of Buddhism in the southern Yangtze River region (Jiangnan). Sun Quan, the emperor of the East Wu, built Jianchu Temple which was the first temple in the southern Yangtze River region, to worship the Ganying Relic. As a result, Changganli became known as Fotouli and Buddhism has been thriving in the region ever since. 

Assignment 2: Word Meaning
1. Someone shoved the old incubator and run in there too, a rusted, metal affair that used to shine like teaspoons.
2. I was fond of telling my students about my last day at the hostel after I had sat my final exam.
3. Though we worked long hours together that week, I kept a reasonable, professional attitude and distance.
4. “Get that child in out of the rain!” Da putting a damper on it from the driver’s seat. “Do ya hear me, Slapper? She’ll catch her end and you can be the one to bring her home!”
1. 有人还把旧的孵化器和鸡舍推到了那里,那是生锈的事情,曾经像茶匙一样发光。

2. 我曾经很喜欢给我的学生讲我期末考试后在旅舍度过的最后一天。

3. 即使我们那个星期在一起工作了很久,我还是一直保持着合理,专业的态度和距离

4. “ 让孩子从雨中回来!”  达在副驾驶座位上试图让斯莱普冷静下来。 “斯莱普, 你听到没有? 她这样会死的。但你可以救她!"

Please translate the following Chinese sentences into English, paying special attention to the red-colored words:

1. 此次演讲以两岸青年交流为主题,契合了当下两岸教育文化交流的核心需求。

2. 习近平主席高度评价拉贝先生,认为他“对生命有大爱、对和平有追求”。

3. 琉璃官窑前方高耸的就是用几处出土的大报恩寺琉璃构件拼装复原的琉璃拱 门,墙面上陈列的是大报恩寺精美的建筑构件,每一件都精美绝伦,可以想 见当年的盛世天工,宏图伟业。

4. 到周武帝(宇文觉之弟宇文邕)时,北周进入强盛时期,并于 577 年灭北齐, 从而统一了中国的北方地区。北周控制北方全部疆域虽然只有区区四年,但 是由于此时突厥不断犯边侵扰,为防御边地,北周统治者继承了前朝的传统, 于 579 年修筑长城。

1. The theme of this speech is youth exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, which meets the core needs of the current cross-strait education and cultural exchanges.

2. President Xi Jinping spoke highly of Mr. Rabe, thinking that he "has great love for life and pursuit of peace."

3. Towering in front of the Liuli Guan kiln is a glass arch that was assembled and restored with several unearthed glazed components of the Great Bao’en Temple. The exquisite architectural components of the Great Bao’en Temple are displayed on the wall. Each piece is exquisite and exquisite, you can imagine the past. Prosperity Tiangong, grand vision.

4. By the time of Emperor Wu of Zhou (Yuwenjue's younger brother, Yuwenyong), the Northern Zhou Dynasty entered a period of prosperity, and the Northern Qi was annexed in 577, thus uniting the northern part of China. The Northern Zhou Dynasty only controlled the entire northern region for four years. Since the Turks were continuously invading, the ruler of the Northern Zhou inherited the tradition of the previous dynasty and built the Great Wall in 579 to defend its borders.

49 minutes

Finished translating the notes from a Slow Chinese podcast, #124. Either the language was somewhat less advanced in this pod, or I did a better job of reading the sentences for meaning before translating word-by-word. I also re-did part of an old assignment from a translation course given by Nanjing University (via Coursera).

1. From February 2010, they could well be riding the tram to Holmenkollen, in the hills overlooking Oslo, to enjoy what many regards as the jewel in the crown of their prosperity: the ski-jump at the Holmenkollen, the country’s most visited attraction, recently rebuilt from the ground for a cool 200 million euros.
2. In essence, Armstrong needed to fly a craft that was different from anything ever built, using controls devised from scratch, in one-sixth gravity, with no atmosphere, on a landscape whose features weren’t truly known, and carrying enough fuel for only one attempt to land.
3. All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most from it.

1. 从 2010 年 2 月开始,他们很可能会乘坐电车前往俯瞰奥斯陆的山丘上的霍尔门科伦,享受许多人认为是其繁荣皇冠上的明珠:该国访问量最大的景点霍尔门科伦的滑雪跳台 ,最近耗资 2 亿欧元从地面重建。

2. 在本质上,阿姆斯特朗需要驾驶一种不同于以往任何东西的飞行器;此外,他需要在六分之一重力、没有大气层、地貌特征尚不为人所知的情况下从无到有建立控制装置,并且携带足够的燃料以供一次着陆尝试。

3. 在书籍的封面中,我们所有人都可以轻松廉价地获得所有时代的智慧,所有让人类高兴了几个世纪的故事。 但我们必须知道如何利用这个宝藏,以及如何充分利用它。

49 minutes

I translated the Chinese language transcript from an episode of the Slow Chinese podcast, and started on a second one. I first attempted my own translation, then checked what Google Translate said. Most of the time, I was quite close.

49 minutes

I translated two sets from the translation exercises PDF. 1.=my attempt, 2.=Google Translate.

(1) I’m interested in music. Are you interested in music too?
1. 我对音乐很感兴趣。你也对音乐很感兴趣吗?
(2) Don’t mention it. We all know the air today is bad.
1. 没关系。我们都知道今天的气恨错。
2. 别提了。 我们都知道今天的空气很糟糕。
(3) The school has 97 Chinese students and 69 international students.
1. 学校有九十七中国的学生和六十九国际的学生。
2. 学校有97名中国学生和69名国际学生。
(4) The minute I call he hangs up! I have no choice but to use a FAX machine.
1. 在分钟我打电话,他挂断电话!我别无选择应该用传真机。
2. 我打电话的那一刻他就挂断了! 我别无选择,只能使用传真机。
(5) I tell you, her phone is always busy. What should I do?
1. 我告诉你,他的电话总是很忙。我做干什么?
2. 我告诉你,她的电话总是占线。 我该怎么办?
(6) Ms. Huang, please go to the consulate immediately!
1. 黄小姐,情马上去领事馆吧!
(7) In the library you may not speak in a loud voice.
1. 在图书馆,你不能大声说话。
(8) He likes to drink red wine. She likes to drink white wine.
1. 他喜欢喝红葡萄酒。 她喜欢喝白葡萄酒。
(9) They should plant some trees, flowers, and grass, then it will be prettier.
1. 她们应该种一些树,花和草,就更好看。
2. 他们应该种一些树、花和草,这样会更漂亮。
(10) That room has some simple furniture like a bed, a desk, and so on.
1. 那个房间有一些简单的家具,比如一张床,一张桌子,等等。

(1) The kind of problems you’re talking about are already rather serious.
1. 种类问题你在说话是已经比较严重。
2. 你说的这种问题已经比较严重了。
(2) Children, one definitely has to control (them). I will immediately go control (them).
1. 孩子们,一定控制。我马上去控制。
2. 孩子,绝对要控制。 我马上去控制。
(3) Since you’re so busy, let’s chat while we eat.
1. 因为你这么忙,我们一边聊天一边吃吧。
2. 既然你这么忙,我们边吃边聊吧。
(4) The ambassador hopes there will be international peace.
1. 大使希望国际和平。
(5) Goodbye, see you tomorrow. I won’t see you out. Take care!
1. 再见,明天见。我不会见你的。小心!
(6) Please don’t smoke. This is a non-smoking section.
2. 请不要吸烟。 这是禁烟区。
(7) There is a matter (in which I) would like to ask you to help.
1. 有问题我想问你帮我。
2. 有一件事 想请你帮忙。
(8) Cultural exchange is very important, right?
1. 文化交流是很重要的,对吗?
2. 文化交流很重要吧?
(9) I’ll definitely do my best to help you. Please relax.
1. 我一定做最好的帮你。请放松吧。
2. 我一定会尽力帮助你。 请放松。
(10) This matter is not easy to deal with, but I’ll do my best, by golly.
1. 这件事不容易对付,但是我会尽力,天哪!
2. 这件事不好办,但我会尽力的,天哪。

49 minutes

I translated another two sets of sentences from the translation exercises PDF. 1.= my translation, 2.=Google Translate.
(1) I’ll first simply say a few words.
1. 我先只说一些字。
2. 我先简单说几句。
(2) I’m extremely happy to have the chance to come here and live together with everyone.
1. 我非常快乐有机会来这里和大家在一起生活。
2. 我非常高兴有机会来到这里和大家一起生活。
(3) This place, the longer I live (here), the more I get accustomed (to it).
1. 这个地方, 我更住,越来习惯了。
2. 这个地方,住的越久,就越习惯。
(4) I and the school president became acquainted long ago.
1. 我和校长很久以前结识了。
2. 我和校长很早就认识了。
(5) Today you’re all guests. Please each of you eat more and drink more!
1. 今天你们都是客人。请每个更吃更喝!
2. 今天你们都是客人。 请大家多吃多喝!
(6) Thank you very much, Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang!
1. 张先生,张太太,非常感谢!
2. 非常感谢张老师,张老师!
(7) First put vegetables on it. Then take the meat and put it in the middle.
1. 先把蔬菜放上。然后把肉拿中。
2. 先放上蔬菜。 然后取肉,放在中间。
(8) He can tell jokes better than I can.
1. 他可能开玩笑比我好。
2. 他比我更能讲笑话。
(9) Besides meat, inside there is also cabbage and condiments.
1. 除了肉,里面也有白菜和调味品。
2. 除了肉,里面还有白菜和调味品。
(10) Of course I’d be willing to go. Will you let me go?
1. 当然我是愿意的去。你让我去吗?
2. 我当然愿意去。

(1) Waiter, we’d like to order. Do you have fish today?
1. 服务员,我们想订购。你们今天有鱼吗?
2. 服务员,我们要点菜。 今天有鱼吗?
(2) It’s embarrassing to let you treat me. Next time I’ll be the host!
1. 让你请我是尴尬的。下次我请。
2. 让你对待我真不好意思。 下次我来当主持人!
(3) Today, it’s not only very cold, but also very dry.
1. 今天不仅很冷,而且很干燥。
(4) We’ll have a welcome dinner Friday night for Old Shi.
1. 星期五,我们给老石欢迎晚宴。
2. 周五晚上我们将为老石举办欢迎晚宴。
(5) The water in the lake is very deep, and there are many rocks in the water.
1. 湖里面的水很深的,而水里面有很多石。
2. 湖中的水很深,水中有许多岩石。
(6) What (how) does the weather forecast say?
1. 天气预报说什么?
(7) Your little sister is very cute! How old is she?
1. 你妹妹很可爱!她几岁?
(8) Don’t be nervous. My math isn’t very good either.
1. 不紧张的。我的数学也不很好的。
2. 不要紧张。 我的数学也不是很好。
(9) I can’t drink liquor. I’ll drink tea as a substitute for liquor.
1. 我不能喝酒。我会喝茶替酒。
2. 我不能喝酒。 我会喝茶来代替酒。
(10) Though the food here isn’t as good as in a restaurant, you still should eat some more!
1. 尽管里面的菜比饭馆不多好,你应该吃多一点!
2. 虽然这里的食物不如餐厅里的好吃,但你还是应该多吃一些!

49 minutes

I translated more sentences from the PDF of exercises. 1= my attempt; 2= Google Translate's translation of the whole sentence.
(1) That grocery store is extremely close, not far away at all.
1. 那家杂货店是最好近,一点也不远。
2. 那家杂货店非常近,一点也不远。
(2) Please cut a kilo of beef for me.
1. 请切一公斤牛肉给我。
2. 请给我切一公斤牛肉。
(3) I want to buy cabbage, fruit, white bread, and so forth.
1. 我要买卷心菜, 水果,白面包, 等等。
(4) To save money, he decided not to eat lunch.
1. 为了省钱, 他决定不吃午饭。
(5) Here is the exit, not the entrance!
1. 这里是出口,不入口!
(6) This pair of shoes is different from that pair of shoes.
1. 这双鞋是和那双鞋不一样的。
2. 这双鞋和那双鞋不同。
(7) She likes to wear white shoes. She doesn’t like to wear black shoes.
1. 她喜欢穿白色的鞋。她不喜欢穿黑色的鞋。
(8) It’s pretty, all right, but it’s too expensive. Could you reduce the price a little?
1. 它漂亮,好的,但是太贵。你能降低一点价钱吗?
2. 挺好看的,不错,就是太贵了。 你能把价格降低一点吗?
(9) If the sweater is too small, within 30 days you can bring it here for exchange.
1. 如果毛衣太小了,三十天内您可以它这里带来为了交换。
2. 如果毛衣太小,30 天内你可以把它带到这里换货。
(10) Size 11 should be fine. (lit. “Wearing size 11 there should be no problem.”)
1. 穿着尺寸 11应该没有问题。

(1) As you wish. It doesn’t matter which (kind of) language you use.
1. 如你所愿。不要紧哪种语你用了。
2. 如你所愿。 你使用哪种语言并不重要
(2) Her dad and mom said that A- is not good enough.
1. 她爸妈说了A- 还不够好。
2. 她爸妈说A-不够好。
(3) Don’t drink so much alcohol! (lit. “Drink a little less liquor!”)
1. 少喝一点酒。
(4) It’s OK even if you put on more. (lit. “Putting on a little more also doesn’t matter.”)
1. 穿更一点并不重要。
2. 多穿一点也无所谓
(5) We also want 6 ounces of rice. We have an urgent matter. Please bring the food faster.
1. 我们也要6盎司大米。我们有紧急事务。请带来菜快得一点。
2. 我们还想要 6 盎司大米。 我们有急事。 请快点把食物拿来。
(6) This Chinese friend of mine can’t stand the weather here.
1. 这个我中国的朋友不堪这里的天气。
2. 我的这位中国朋友受不了这里的天气。
(7) I’d like to reserve 8 tables for a banquet; one where each person costs 90 yuan.
1. 我需要预订8桌为了一場宴会; 每个人费用90元.
2. 我想预订8张宴会桌; 一个每人90元。
(8) There will be about 100 people participating. Please make preparations early.
1. 会差不多100 人参加。请早做制剂。
2. 将有大约100人参加。 请尽早做好准备。
(9) I myself like to eat Hunanese-flavored cuisine.
1. 我喜欢湖南菜啊。
2. 我自己喜欢吃湘菜。
(10) This matter, let it be decided by those study-abroad students themselves.
1. 这个事,让它被那些留学生他们自己决定。
2. 这件事,就让那些留学生自己来决定吧。

49 minutes

I used the translation exercise PDF that Huey posted previously (I didn't read their answers!). I've mostly posted two translations for each sentence, where the first is mine, and the second is Google Translate.
(1) Driver, please drive a little slower!
司机, 请开慢一点
(2) Little Wang, walk a little faster!
(3) Relax, this problem has already been solved.
放松, 这个问题已经解决了。
(4) That foreigner hasn’t taken a bus for a long time.
1. 那个外国人久时不过坐了公共车。
2. 那个外国人已经很久没有坐过公交车了。
(5) I’m already finished eating. I suppose you’ve also fi nished eating?
1. 我已经吃完了。 我认为你也吃完了吗?
2. 我已经吃完了。我想你也已经吃完了吧?
(6) I looked all over. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find that furniture store.
1. 我看了到处都是。虽说我看了仔细得,我不可能找哪了个家具商店。
2. 我找遍了所有地方。无论我如何努力寻找,我都无法找到那家家具店。
(7) I tell you, the house I live in is on the left side, not on the right side.
(8) Quickly look for a gas station. We have to refuel again.
迅速找一个加油站。我们必须再次补充燃料。(Google Translate only.)
(9) I guess it would be better after all to fill it up.
我想毕竟填满它会更好。(Google Translate only.)
(10) Starting last year, the price of gasoline has been getting more and more expensive.
从去年开始,汽油价格越来越贵。(Google Translate only.)

(1) Is he majoring in astronomy or biology?
他的专业是天文学还是生物学?(Google Translate only.)
(2) She wants to study French or Japanese.
1. 她想学习法语还过日本语。
2. 她想学法语或者日语。
(3) That Canadian doesn’t know what to do *at all*!
1. 那个加拿大人简直不知道做什么呀!(Tried to add an emphasising word at the end because of italics)
2. 那个加拿大人根本不知道该怎么办
(4) I’d like to buy a Chinese newspaper and 100 sheets of paper.
1. 我想买一个中国的报纸, 和一百张纸.
2. 我想买一份中文报纸和100张纸。
(5) These notebooks are mine. Those notebooks are whose?
这些笔记本是我的。 那些笔记本是谁的?
(6) This book, where did you buy it? In China they don’t sell this kind of book!
1. 这本书, 你是在哪里买的?在中国,他们不卖这种书!
2. 这本书,哪里买的? 在中国他们不卖这种书!
(7) How come cabbage has recently been so expensive?
1. 卷心菜怎么来的最近那么贵吗?
2. 白菜怎么最近这么贵?
(8) These vegetables only arrived this morning. (I) guarantee they taste good.
1. 这些蔬菜刚这早上到达了。保证她们很好吃。
2. 这些蔬菜今天早上才到。 保证它们的味道很好。
(9) The fruit, please wrap it up, thank you.
1. 水果,请把它包起来, 谢谢。
2. 水果,请包起来,谢谢。
(10) Peking University is much richer than Beijing Language & Culture University.
1. 北京大学更北京语言大学很多富有的。
2. 北京大学比北京语言大学富裕得多。

49 minutes

Being A Taxi Driver In China - Mandarin Corner. Again, this was slow work. It might be because of the nature of spoken language in general; people don't always say something in the same linear fashion as a written text (this isn't a negative thing; I'm just trying to parse why some texts might be more difficult to translate than others).

49 minutes

I continued with translating Life of an Old Chinese Fisherman from Mandarin Corner. It was slow work, since there was a lot said, but I found it easier to create a translation that "made sense" in English. Maybe it was easier because I'd seen the text before when using the video for listening practise.

57 minutes

I translated the captions for Life of an Old Chinese Fisherman (Mandarin Corner), since it's one that didn't have English subtitles (to be continued).

57 minutes

Translated an episode of a free Chinese-language comic that I've been reading. There were two sentences that I couldn't figure out in terms of the words making sense in English.

Challenge time progress:100%
Goal progress:101.2%
Hours reported17.2