in Vocabulary challenge, December 2021
60 minutes 1.0h
Anki sentence mining deck and vocab review
90 minutes 1.5h
Reviews from the past few days
60 minutes 1.0h
Reviews from the past 2 days
50 minutes 0.83h
Anki and vocab reviews
30 minutes 0.5h
Anki + pleco reviews
30 minutes 0.5h
Vocab reviews
45 minutes 0.75h
Anki and making new vocab cards
15 minutes 0.25h
Vocab + Anki reviews
30 minutes 0.5h
Vocab reviews + anki
30 minutes 0.5h
Anki reviews and studied vocab from a book I'm reading the old fashioned way by writing them down in a notebook 😁
45 minutes 0.75h
Reviews, new cards and made new cards.
40 minutes 0.67h
Anki review + adding new cards
40 minutes 0.67h
Created sentence cards which forced me to go through words I saved on pleco. I spent time looking up the words used in context on the Chinese Zero to Hero dictionary/website. I love how you can easily see/hear how a word is used in context. I record the sentence I want and add it to a deck to review on anki.
30 minutes 0.5h
Pleco, Memrise and Anki reviews
30 minutes 0.5h
Pleco reviews + anki
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 10.42 |
Rank | 11th |
Hours reported | 10.42 |
Profile | |
Goal | 10h |