in Speaking challenge, April 2022
75 minutes 1.25h
(1) Michel Thomas course - going over lessons I've done before, focusing on pronunciation. (2) Practising children's rhymes - focusing on pronunciation. (2) 2nd half of video 4.1 from pronunciation course - I will watch to the rest of the finals videos next week, after the challenge has ended. I still have to concentrate and think about where my tongue goes when saying sh/x, zh/j, ch/q. But hopefully with a bit more practice, it will become more automatic.
50 minutes 0.83h
(1) Watching 1st half of video 4.1 from pronunciation course. (2) Paul Noble course - going back to familiar lessons I've gone through before, just to focus on pronouncing initials I find tricky (x, j, q).
75 minutes 1.25h
(1) Children's rhymes (2) Michel Thomas course
20 minutes 0.33h
Michel Thomas course
100 minutes 1.67h
I mainly focused on how to pronounce x, j, q vs sh, zh, ch. Starting to get the hang of it... (1) Michel Thomas course - I practiced with part of the course that I've gone through a few times before so the content was familiar and I could just focus on pronunciation. (2) Children's rhymes - I had to concentrate as these are rhymes that I've practised many times before and ordinarily I barely think about pronunciation.
30 minutes 0.5h
Paul Noble course
50 minutes 0.83h
(1) Michel Thomas course. (2) Watched video 3.5 from the pronunciation course again.
25 minutes 0.42h
(1) Pronunciation course - watched 1st half of video 3.5 series with x. (2) Michel Thomas course.
5 minutes 0.08h
Paul Noble course
65 minutes 1.08h
(1) Michel Thomas. (2) Watched again pronunciation course sh, zh, ch, r.
45 minutes 0.75h
Michel Thomas course
45 minutes 0.75h
Michel Thomas course
15 minutes 0.25h
Watched pronunciation course video 3.4 - series with sh. Useful and surprising in several ways.
110 minutes 1.83h
(1) Michel Thomas course. (2) Watched video 3.3 of pronunciation course - series with s. (3) Practised some children's rhymes. (I have just realised that the rhymes I've learnt over the last few months have helped me a lot with learning tones but the songs haven't. I don't know the tones of any new words that I've learnt through songs. So for now, while working on pronunciation, I'll just practise rhymes.)
40 minutes 0.67h
Practised saying a some rhymes a few times (eagle catching chicks, counting frogs, one frog has one mouth, little butterfly). Watched videos from pronunciation course on initials (3.1 mandarin initials, 3.2 aspiration and stops).
70 minutes 1.17h
(1) Michel Thomas (in the car). (2) Learning a new children's rhyme (eagles catching chicks).
30 minutes 0.5h
Michel Thomas course - while driving.
60 minutes 1.0h
(1) Paul Noble course. (2) Children's rhymes/songs - over the last few months I have learnt about 20 rhymes/songs from a CD so I play the CD and talk/sing along. Both were good to do while I was gardening!
Challenge time progress: | |
Goal progress: |
Score | 15.16 |
Rank | 2nd |
Hours reported | 15.16 |
Goal | 10h |