Hacking Chinese Resources

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3 resources found.

HSK Grammar Exercises

Basic HSK grammar from beginner to advanced level. The best part is that in each lesson end, there is a quiz to test if you have really mastered the grammar. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Grammar Resource-collections Paid Web

1 1

Joshua 19 days

文言 - 維基大典 (Wikipedia about classical Chinese written in classical Chinese)

This is a Wikipedia article about classical Chinese written entirely in classical Chinese. That makes it difficult reading for most students, but I find the idea behind this article very neat and t... Read more.


Advanced Reading Writing Resource-highlights Classical-Chinese Literature Web

1 0

Olle Linge over 7 years

Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects experimentally tested (Tang & van Heuven, 2009)

This is a research paper detailing a study of the mutual intelligibility of Chinese topolects. Dialects were sorted into groups and then it was experimentally tested how much of words and sentences... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Living-in-Chinese Resource-highlights Dialects Research

1 0

Olle Linge almost 8 years