Hacking Chinese Resources
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112 resources found.
Maayot - Bite-size daily Chinese Mandarin stories to your inbox
maayot is a chinese mandarin graded reader to receive on a daily basis a story with rather engaging content. New stories are received directly by email. On click of a character in the story, it ope... Read more.

fluencyyy – over 4 years
Mandarin Companion (Chinese graded readers)
Mandarin Companion offers a series of graded readers for learners of Chinese. I haven't read all of them yet, but the two I have read have both been great. Considering that they use a very limited ... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
The Chairman's Bao (simplified news for language learners)
The Chairman's Bao offers news in Chinese, written for language learners sorted by HSK level. Each news article comes with text and audio. There's also a live dictionary which you need to sign-up t... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Du Chinese (mobile app for Chinese reading practice)
This is a reading app that contains a number of lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. Apart from the reading material, there is also recorded (not synthesised) audio. The app al... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 9 years
Zhongwen: A Chinese-English Popup Dictionary for Chrome
This is a tool that adds a pop-up dictionary to Chrome. I haven't compared it with [Pera Pera](http://resources.hackingchinese.com/s/sltbee/perapera_language_tools_popup_browser_dictionary) in deta... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Chinese Text Sampler: Readings in Chinese Literature, History, and Popular Culture
A carefully chosen selection of 80 significant Chinese texts for students wishing to develop their reading skills while improving their cultural literacy. Includes classical and modern Chinese lit... Read more.

mikelove – over 10 years
Chinese online short story collection (Just Learn Chinese!)
This is a great repository of short stories for beginner and intermediate learners. Some of them also have audio and all have translations to English and word lists! I would be a little bit careful... Read more.
Olle Linge – almost 11 years
新华网 – Xinhua Headlines Bilingual Zone
Xinhua bilingual zone brings you news stories in both English and Simplified Chinese from around China and world Read more.

Sebastian Rasmussen – almost 10 years
Frill - The Chinese pop-up dictionary for Safari
Frill is a Chinese to English pop-up dictionary extension for Safari. Similar to Perapera for Firefox or Zhongwen for Chrome, its dictionary has over 100,000 words. Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 10 years
Hanping Chinese - Powerful Offline OCR & Dictionary apps for Android
Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro and Hanping Chinese Camera are the two highest rated Android apps on Google's Play Store. The dictionary (both free and paid editions available) gives you the ability... Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 10 years
Wenlin Institute: Software for Learning Chinese
Wenlin software makes learning Chinese easier and more interesting, for begining students, life-long speakers, and scholars alike. It combines a comprehensive Chinese dictionary, a Unicode text edi... Read more.

mikelove – over 10 years
Chinese Text Analyser (a tool for segmenting and analysing Chinese text)
This Chinese Text Analyser is a tool that helps you find content suited to your current vocabulary level, and makes it easy to identify and learn new words. You can use it to easily see which words... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Perapera Language Tools (Popup browser dictionary)
This is probably one of the most useful plugins for both Firefox and Chrome to learn Chinese. Perapera offers an excellent popup dictionary which allows you to take on texts that would have been im... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Tatoeba - Collecting example sentences
Tatoeba offers sentences in many languages (you can choose yourself which languages to search for). This is excellent if you want to find your own example sentences for your Chinese vocabulary or i... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Pleco Chinese Dictionary for iOS
Chinese dictionary for iOS with handwriting, OCR, flashcards, audio, document reader (including support for reading words on web pages and in PDF / EPUB documents), stroke order, and more than 20 a... Read more.

mikelove – over 10 years
好讀 (E-books in traditional Chinese)
This site contains a huge amount of e-books in traditional Chinese. My guess is that downloading and reading them without having the original text might be illegal, but even so, it's often great to... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Chineasy? Not (About what's wrong with Hsueh ShaoLan's Chineasy)
In this blog post, Victor Mair explains what's wrong withe Hsueh ShaoLan's claims that learning to read and write Chinese is easy. That this is wrong should be pretty easy, but few can say it with ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Chengyu stories, chinese idioms - Chinese-Tools.com
Chinese Idioms or Chengyu are short sayings usually consisting of four characters. Unless you know the story and its common usage, a Chengyu will sound like random nonsense. Here are some Chengyu ... Read more.

alwaysnoone – almost 11 years
Easing yourself into reading novels in Chinese
Reading a novel in Chinese is the goal for many learners, but perhaps it's easier to accomplish than you think. This article discusses various methods of making novel reading easier in Chinese, ma... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Non-fiction book summaries written in easier to understand Chinese (with audio)
I've taken some book summaries of interesting non-fiction books, rewritten them into simple English and had them translated into Chinese. This way, the vocabulary and grammar will be easier to unde... Read more.

Nick Dahlhoff – over 5 years
VoA bilingual news (英语教学 双语新闻)
This site presents news in both Chinese (simplified) and English. It's targeted at Chinese people learning English, but that matters little, parallel texts are awesome learning resources regardless... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Chinese Reading Practice | Simplified Chinese Reading Exercises & Materials Blog
A blog of beginner, intermediate, and advanced Chinese reading materials with full English translations. Read more.

Kai Carver – about 10 years
Simulated Tests of the New Chinese Proficiency Test HSK
Recommended and introduced by Trevor [here](http://www.hackingchinese.com/extensive-listening-challenge-october-2014-wrapping-up/#comment-646686). Each book (one for each level of the new HSK ex... Read more.
Olle Linge – about 10 years
中文阅读天地 (University of Iowa)
This site contains a huge number of lessons, complete with texts, vocabulary, audio, exercises and much more. And it's all free. Note that if you want to get the intermediate and advanced material,... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
New Tong Wen Tang 新同文堂 (Character conversion of websites in most browsers)
This add-on is available for Firefox, Chrome and Safari (and allegedly all other browsers) and allows you to switch between character sets on websites. Note that the conversion is of course automat... Read more.
Olle Linge – over 10 years
ChineseLevel - Test your Chinese level, improve your reading, measure your progress
This is a really cool website that assess your reading ability and then offers reading suggestions based on your estimated vocabulary knowledge. I haven't used this enough to figure out how accurat... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Pleco Chinese Dictionary for Android (Google Play version)
Chinese dictionary for Android with handwriting, OCR, flashcards, audio, document reader, stroke order, and more than 20 available dictionary databases. Read more.

mikelove – over 10 years
Learn to read Chinese… with ease?
Is it easy to learn to read Chinese? ShaoLan, among others, claims that it is. I don't agree, and in this article I discuss some common trends among people who try to portray Chinese as being easy.... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Zhongwen.com - Chinese characters and culture
I first used this dictionary during my first semester of Chinese and I have kept using it ever since. It has pretty good information about character etymology and provides more accurate information... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
A language learner’s guide to wuxia novels
Wuxia can be used as a key to both Chinese language and culture. This article is meant to be a guide to second language learners. If you want to read wuxia in Chinese, where do you start? How do yo... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years
Readibu (app for reading web novels)
Readibu is an app that allows you to find and read novels on your phone (iOS and Android). They don’t create the content themselves, but rather connect with various online sites that offer stories ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 4 years
Duolingo: Learn Spanish, French and other languages for free
Finally, Duolingo added a En->ZH course. As Duolingo is the most popular gamification learning app, the learning experience is relatively streamlined and tested. The monetarization aspect leads to ... Read more.

stefanwienert – about 7 years
Escape 逃出去 (text adventure game for Chinese learners)
The following text is from [my article about the game](http://www.hackingchinese.com/escape-text-adventure-game-chinese-learners/). There is also [a trailer introducing it on YouTube](https://youtu... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 8 years
Process of creating a Chinese font
Just you try designing 13,000-plus intricate character shapes that all have to balance one another. Read more.

stefanwienert – about 9 years
Chinese Calligraphy Fonts (Calligraphy Archives)
This site offers numerous Chinese calligraphy fonts, some of which are very close to what handwritten Chinese looks like. If you find it hard to understand what other people are writing on paper, p... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 9 years
Hanping Chinese Popup
The ultimate solution for quickly looking up Chinese words on your smartphone or tablet, no matter what app (or system screens) you are using. Note: For Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher. Whe... Read more.

hanpingchinese – over 9 years
Practise asking directions and navigating through a city (WordSwing)
Ever feel lost when trying to listen to navigation directions? Well, all you need is more practice. In this activity you listen to step-by-step directions, and at each step you must select the r... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
草书字体转换器 (Cursive font converter)
This is an awesome site where you can convert any text in simplified Chinese to various cursive fonts. Excellent for learning to read cursive handwriting or just producing pictures of characters th... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
The new paperless revolution in Chinese reading
This is an article by David Moser about the incredible changes the digital age has brought to learners of Chinese all over the world. After providing a background for those who started learning Chi... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Culturelab (watch Chinese film, TV and music with subtitles and a pop-up dictionary)
This is a new site that offers Chinese television, film and music videos with the subtitles and a pop-up dictionary. This lowers the barrier for anyone who wants to approach real Chinese. The site ... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 10 years
Blip (Plugin that teaches you Chinese while you browse)
This Chrome plug-in will insert Chinese characters in texts you read in your browser based on what words you're currently learning. This is a really neat idea that diversifies learning vocabulary a... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 10 years
The Tale of Peter Rabbit 兔子彼得的故事
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, in Chinese and English, with audio. Read more.

Kai Carver – about 10 years
The Bible in Chinese (with audio)
This site offers the Bible in many languages, including Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese). There are two versions, one with drama and one without. You can also see the text while you listen (or just... Read more.

Olle Linge – about 10 years
A language learner’s guide to reading comics in Chinese (Hacking Chinese)
This article is a guide to reading comics in Chinese, suitable for beginners as well as those who already have some experience. Reading comics is an excellent way of attacking the Great Wall of Chi... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Asking the experts: How to bridge the gap to real Chinese (Hacking Chinese)
Many students of Chinese think that it's hard to bridge the gap from textbook Chinese to the Chinese used by native speakers in the real world. This article contains useful insights and hands-on ad... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Chinese font test page (Chinese Text Project)
THis is a simple but brilliant tool that allows you to check the fonts you currently have installed on your computer/browser. It shows you a number of pictures of characters next to what your compu... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Chinese Text Annotation (MandarinSpot)
This tool adds inline and pop-up annotations with pronunciation in Pinyin or Zhuyin and English definitions to Chinese text or web pages. It's incredibly useful if you have Chinese text and want to... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Wengu - Chinese Classics
Nice presentation of Chinese classics in original version and English or French translations. Works include 300 Tang Poems, Analects of Confucius, Lao Tse's Tao Te Ching, the I Ching, and more. Chi... Read more.

Kai Carver – over 10 years
Bliu Bliu (reading practice matched to your level with vocabulary)
This website gives you reading materials based on your current level. That level is based on a quick assessment at the beginning and presumably also on what you're doing when reading, but I don't k... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Learning with Texts (online version)
An online tool for reading texts in foreign languages and saving & reviewing new words and expressions. It can also be downloaded at http://lwt.sourceforge.net/ but it requires more than average co... Read more.

ednorog – over 10 years
Character Pop
Explode Chinese characters into their building blocks; visualize and remember how they are formed. Read more.

stefanwienert – over 10 years
This website contains a lot of short and easy-to-access articles about science and technology related articles (although they are usually very lightweight, you don't need to actually be a professio... Read more.

Olle Linge – over 10 years
Voice of America Chinese News
This is a news website that features articles, podcasts and videos about news and current affairs in Chinese. Although it is from an American perspective it features a lot of interesting content th... Read more.

Scott – over 10 years
The future of Chinese language learning is now (about handwriting and romanised text) (Language Log)
In this blog post, Victor Mair discusses the relative (un)importance of learning to write large numbers of characters by hand (especially for beginners) and the impact of technology for learners of... Read more.

Olle Linge – almost 11 years