shiny Chinese – Original Chinese content.

Submitted by malaoshi on 05 June, 2014 16:34

Beginner Intermediate Advanced Book Video Audio Music General Resource-collections

Liked by stefanwienert, Rebecca McKay, malaoshi, ednorog, lazylink, and Graham Hopper

Learning Chinese with real content. An ever growing collection of curated Chinese content.

06 June, 2014 03:51

This looked pretty similar to the HC resource site when I first saw it, but then I realised that that isn't true. I would say the main difference is that the HC resource site covers a lot more than just resources. It is as if Shiny Chinese focused only on what I have chosen to call "resource highlights". Good initiative, though, it seems I'm not the only one who thought something like that is lacking!

11 June, 2014 02:49

Actually when I first heard about this section I was thinking the same - but as I only focus on "resource highlights" I hope both sites can co-exists. I always found it hard to find content that suits me and a light/short description in English should make the content even easier to grasp and that's basically what my site is going to be about. Just launched it last week and am updating it daily with a new link or original content. I guess it'll take some time to get people to notice the site but it also is a great way for me to force me to read, listen and watch more Chinese content.