2674 traditional Chinese characters and their simplified equivalents. Characters are first categorized by Pinyin, then divided into 3 groups based on how often the characters are used. Also links to the reverse, a list of 2580 simplified Chinese characters and their traditional equivalents, and to a list of 4700 Chinese characters which are both traditional and simplified, that is, which may not have a simplified form.
Traditional to Simplified Chinese Conversion Table
Submitted by Kai Carver on 15 July, 2014 03:04
Intermediate Advanced Vocabulary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Tools-and-Apps Characters
15 July, 2014 08:07
Great list! I have seen similar lists, of course, but not sorted and displayed like this. Neat addition to the resource collection!
PS. Changed some tags. Reading is for things targeting reading specifically, writing the same. Vocabulary, though, includes characters, so that's the best choice. I'm still not sure if this is a resource highlight (one particularly good resource) or if it's a tool (to look-up characters), but I lean towards the second and have changed accordingly!
15 July, 2014 12:54
Thanks for changing the tags, which I haven't fully mastered :)