Hanping Chinese Popup


Submitted by hanpingchinese on 03 July, 2015 18:26

Beginner Intermediate Advanced Reading Chinese-in-context Paid Dictionary Simplified-Characters Traditional-Characters Pronunciation Tools-and-Apps Language-learning Android OCR Text Cantonese

Liked by hanpingchinese, Michael Knight, and Olle Linge2

The ultimate solution for quickly looking up Chinese words on your smartphone or tablet, no matter what app (or system screens) you are using.

Note: For Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and higher.

When the app is running, there is an always-present "handle" floating over your screen. When you want to look up a Chinese word, place the handle next to the word, and you will see a popup containing the dictionary definition. You can also play the audio, copy to clipboard, add to you starred lists or jump to the definition in our dictionary app.

Please note: this app uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology so not always will every character be correctly recognised. However, in supported scenarios you should get at least 99% accuracy.

Works with regular lines of text and most text in images. Not suited for stylised text or text on complex/patterned backgrounds.

This works with our Mandarin (free and paid) and Cantonese (paid) dictionaries.

Typical usage scenarios:

12 August, 2015 08:12

Here are video demos of this pop-up app:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox0p0YgeJkI Youku (for those in China): http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI4OTkwODQ4NA==.html