普通话异读词审音表 (List of variant character pronunciations, mainland standard)


Submitted by Olle Linge on 11 December, 2015 11:30

Intermediate Advanced Vocabulary Simplified-Characters Pronunciation Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Characters

Liked by Olle Linge

This page lists variant pronunciations and their standard readings in Mandarin Chinese (Mainland Standard). It does not list characters that have different readings based on different meanings, so characters like 好 are not listed (they do have different readings, but for distinctly different meanings, which can be found in any dictionary). It tells you such useful things as when 薄 is read "báo" and when it's read "bó":

(一)báo(语) 常单用,如“纸很~”。

(二)bó (文) 多用于复音词。 ~弱 稀~

It should be mentioned that this list is NOT exhaustive, it merely lists cases that can be used to check how well students know their character readings.

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