How to Learn Chinese (free e-book from LTL Mandarin School)

Submitted by Olle Linge on 26 May, 2016 15:49

Beginner Intermediate Book General Information-and-Advice Text

Liked by Olle Linge

This is a free e-book with a collection of articles about how to learn Chinese, to which I have contributed one chapter about listening ability. This is a good collection overall with contributions from people who generally know what they're talking about. Here are all authors and their respective topics:

Chris Parker - Pronunciation And Tones

Benny Lewis - Remembering Chinese Words

Olle Linge - Improving your Chinese Listening Ability

Verena Menzel - Mastering Chinese Sentence Structure

Hugh Grigg - Maintaining Motivation to Study Chinese

Andreas Laimbock - Immersion Chinese for Dummies

Richard Simcott - Expanding your Chinese from Abroad

Sborto Zhou - Using Technologies in Chinese Studies

Greg Bell - Learn Chinese by Having Fun!

Marcus Pentzek - Learning Chinese Characters Methods

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