

Submitted by Olle Linge on 30 October, 2020 09:50

Intermediate Advanced Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-highlights Book Web Traditional-Characters Characters

Liked by Olle Linge and 王遇安

This site (originally a book) explains the difference between commonly mixed up (traditional) characters, published by Taiwan's Ministry of Education. As it says in the introduction, the main purpose is to collect characters that are:

1) easily mixed up because of their similar forms, such as 戌/戍 and 毋/母, 2) easily mixed up because of their similar pronunciation and meaning, such as 振/震 and 查/察, and 3) are not variant forms (so 梁/ doesn’t count), loan words (意大利/義大利).

It contains roughly 1300 entries. Please note that this resource is completely in Chinese. To access the search function, click (肆、音序總索引)[http://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/files/site_content/M0001/biansz/main.htm], select the initial (using (Zhuyin)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bopomofo]), then browse for the character you’re looking for.

Here’s an example entry for (儘)[https://language.moe.gov.tw/001/Upload/files/site_content/M0001/biansz/bi687.htm]:

【儘】ㄐ|ㄣˇ 〔僅〕ㄐ|ㄣˇ 〔盡〕ㄐ|ㄣˋ

○ 儘管 ╳ 僅管 盡管 「儘」是聽任、隨意、不加限制的意思,形近於「盡」;「僅」是才、只、不 過的意思;「盡」音ㄐ|ㄣˋ,有全部用出、竭力的意思。「儘管」是指不用 考慮其他因素或不加以限制,隨意去做的意思,所以當用「儘」而非「僅」、 「盡」。

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