The host, Candice, talks about various topics on her podcast. Each episode is about 15-40 minutes long, completely in Chinese.
聊聊东西 Podcast
Submitted by Jennifer on 19 October, 2022 08:28
Intermediate Advanced Listening Audio Podcast Resource-collections

19 October, 2022 09:41
I just published my giant list of listening resource recommendations, and I had completely missed this one! Thanks for recommending it; I'll check it out!
19 October, 2022 09:42
Added an image as well.
20 October, 2022 20:06
Thanks for adding the image, since I was on mobile I didn't add it right away.
I have some more listening resources that I believe are not Hacking Chinese, so I will go ahead and add those too. :)
24 June, 2023 03:26
This is an amazing podcast. It sometimes really feel like you're understanding everything 'as a native', even if only an intermediate learner.
24 June, 2023 08:34
Glad to hear you liked it! I'll try to do an updated "best listening", because there are so many good new resources now (new as in I didn't know about them, but in most cases new as in actually started recently).