This podcast keeps you up-to-date with business news in short, daily episodes. It's a great way to both learn Chinese and stay current at the same time. The length of the episodes makes this podcast more suitable for studying than extensive listening, so if you're looking to expand your vocabulary for talking about business in Chinese, this podcast is great.
As usual, some familiarity with the topics discussed helps, but since much of the content is also covered in mainstream, English-speaking news media, you're more or less guaranteed to have prior knowledge of some topics.
Recommended entry points: Listen to the most recent episode first. If you're up-to-date with business news, you will likely be familiar with at least some of the topics. You can always work your way through the archive later!
Official description: 一个十五分钟的晨间仪式,轻松同步日常生活与商业世界。