Convo Chinese is tailored for intermediate and advanced learners and dives into genuine Chinese dialogues spanning a wide range of topics from daily life to global politics. As the name implies, these are conversations between the host and one or two guests, often other native speakers, but sometimes also advanced learners. Episodes differ in how much they paraphrase and explain difficult words and expressions, so if you find an episode too hard, try another! Transcripts and vocabulary lists are available on their website or in the show notes.
Pros: Almost only in Chinese, natural conversations, interesting topics
Cons: Somewhat uneven difficulty level depending on the guest(s)
Official description: 瞎扯学中文 Convo Chinese is a podcast to help intermediary to advanced Mandarin learner to immerse in natural and authentic Chinese conversations. In the podcast we discuss topics from daily lives to politics, from China and around the world. Free transcript and vocabulary list are provided in the show notes.