Pleco is one of the most popular mobile dictionaries for Chinese learners. It basically removes the need for any kind of paper dictionary and allows easy look-up for words using English, hand-writing, radicals and so on. The strength of Pleco lies in the paid extensions that include OCR, a large number of additional dictionaries (including Chinese-Chinese), flashcards and more.
Pleco Software - Learn Chinese with dictionaries for iPhone, iPad and Android
Submitted by Olle Linge on 06 March, 2014 02:42
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Vocabulary Mobile Dictionary Tools-and-Apps SRS
Liked by Olle Linge, stefanwienert, Ah-Ke, alwaysnoone, Julien Leyre, Olle Linge2, Mobolle, mikelove, imron, gaojian_studygram, Fedora_Emelianenko, Kai Carver, Gwilym, 电猫, lazylink, Foxears, Lan Lan, hyperionsshrike, Michael F., Jennifer, and Tikaf Viper

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