Reading challenge, April 2017

Read as much Chinese as you can before the end of April! More details and suggestions for what (and how) to read can be found in the attached article.

Recent activities

1 minutes


Monday, May 01

Ben Parker
90 minutes

Continued in 上学记。Now on page 126.

Monday, May 01

Ben Parker
45 minutes

Sunday, Apr 30

55 minutes

Sunday, Apr 30

小英 / Ingrid
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 技能达到天花板,人才到达山顶,卓越到达天空,但天才到达星星。Skill reaches the ceiling, talent reaches the mountaintop, excellence reaches the sky, but genius rea...

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 知识岛越大,奇迹的海岸线越长。The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
240 minutes

Reading Du Chinese reading app, wrote review in Chinese about this amazing app. Fantastic task and very interesting.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
180 minutes

Practised reading Chinese on Domino Chinese page. Several reading activities. Great task thoroughly enjoyable

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added my daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 如果你收到一个很有价值的礼物,那么你有义务多次分享这个礼物。If you receive a gift of great value, it is your obligation to share this gift many times over.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page Today I learned 一个有才华的人不怕艰巨的任务。A talented person is not afraid of a difficult task.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page Today I learned 与智者的单一对话,值得一个月的书籍学习。A single conversation with a wise man, is worth a month's study of books.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 这不是你在一段时间内做的事情,而是你每天做的事情都有所不同。It's not what you do once in a while, its what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page Today I learned 有很多路径到山顶,但视图总是相同的。There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page Today I learned 有很多路径到山顶,但视图总是相同的。There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 给一个人一条鱼,喂他一天。 教一个人去钓鱼,你养活一辈子。Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 给一个人一条鱼,喂他一天。 教一个人去钓鱼,你养活一辈子。Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 在思考旧的时候获得新知识,你可能会成为别人的老师。Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 需要努力才能取得良好效果。Hard work is needed to achieve a good result.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned - 只要有强大的意志,必有一条路为你开。Where there's a will, there's a way.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to Facebook page - Today I learned 具有缺陷的钻石比没有缺陷的卵石更有价值。A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 一只鸟不唱歌,因为它有一个答案。 它唱歌,因为它有一首歌。A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to my Facebook page - Today I learned 学会好像你要永远活着。Learn as if you were to live forever.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to Facebook page - Today I learned 学会好像你要永远活着。Learn as if you were to live forever.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to Facebook page. Today I learned - 学如登山 Studying is like climbing a mountain.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson
30 minutes

Added daily Chinese proverb to Facebook page - Today I learned - 学如登山 Studying is like climbing a mountain.

Sunday, Apr 30

Ms Elaine Thompson


Hours reported206.39
DurationApril 01, 2017 to
April 30, 2017 (30 days)