Hacking Chinese Resources

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14 resources found.

The Chairman's Bao (simplified news for language learners)

The Chairman's Bao offers news in Chinese, written for language learners sorted by HSK level. Each news article comes with text and audio. There's also a live dictionary which you need to sign-up t... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-collections Audio News Text

10 0

Olle Linge over 9 years


锵锵三人行 is my favourite TV program. It’s also one of the best ones for language learners, mostly because of its focus on talking, availability of transcripts and variety of both guests and topics. Th... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio News Text Video

8 1

Zoe over 10 years

开卷八分钟 (8-minute introductions to books in Chinese)

This program provides 8-minute introductions of various books. The fact that each program is so short makes it very easy to listen to and it's also a good way of learning more about Chinese literat... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-collections Audio Literature Review Video

4 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

6 Awesome Chinese Podcasts You've Never Heard Of (FluentU)

This post on FluentU discusses briefly what to look for in a podcast and then follows up with six recommended podcasts. Some of them were actually new to me and I don't know if the recommended leve... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Resource-collections Audio Review

4 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Voice of America Chinese News

This is a news website that features articles, podcasts and videos about news and current affairs in Chinese. Although it is from an American perspective it features a lot of interesting content th... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-collections Audio News

3 0

Scott over 10 years

新闻公告 - 汉语考试服务网 (HSK & YCT test resources)

This website offers a large number of previous HSK and YCT Chinese proficiency tests, sorted by year and level. This is excellent for test preparation and/or benchmarking. Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Resource-collections Exam

3 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Standard Chinese phonology (Wikipedia)

This is a basic but fairly comprehensive overview of the phonology of Standard Chinese (or Mandarin, as it might be better known as). This site covers consonants, vowels, syllables, tones, word str... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Speaking Resource-highlights Pronunciation Research

3 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

The Phonology of Standard Chinese by Duanmu San (Review on Hacking Chinese)

Duanmu San's "The Phonology of Standard Chinese" is by far the best introduction to Mandarin phonology that I'm aware of. It's mostly useful for people who like phonology or are already at an advan... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Speaking Information-and-Advice Book Pronunciation Research Review

2 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

Slow Chinese 每周漫闻

This is a newsletter for advanced students run by Andrew Methven. The free version includes a weekly newsletter with highlighted readings and some interesting vocabulary highlighted and discussed. ... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Reading Vocabulary Resource-collections News Simplified-Characters Web

1 0

Olle Linge 10 months

Seeing Speech (articulation visualised through MRI and UTI scans)

This is a unique resource that shows how most common speech sounds are actually produced. Most other resources use animations and diagrams, but this is the frist I see which show actual MRI scans. ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Speaking Information-and-Advice Pronunciation Research Video

1 0

Olle Linge almost 2 years

Floomli - language exchange network

Floomli is a free platform for exchange languages during video call, voice call or text conversation. By joining Floomli you become a part of a global language practicing network . The main goal of... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Language-learning Speaking Writing Social-learning Community Mobile Online-Tool Web

1 0

Marek almost 8 years

Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects experimentally tested (Tang & van Heuven, 2009)

This is a research paper detailing a study of the mutual intelligibility of Chinese topolects. Dialects were sorted into groups and then it was experimentally tested how much of words and sentences... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Listening Living-in-Chinese Resource-highlights Dialects Research

1 0

Olle Linge over 8 years

2014-03-13锵锵三人行 窦文涛:内地医患缺乏沟通滋生信任危机

钟南山坚持认为,最终打开医患之间心结的还应当是真正深化医疗体制改革,让公立医院回归公益。钟南山说,伤害、杀害事件主要在大医院。主要解决这个问题,关键在解决公立医院真正的公益性。医改公立医院的公益性体现在哪,他的改革方向是应该向更好的公益性发展,要着力改善大医院的公益性,首先就表现在对医务人员的工资,是国家给的,而不要靠自己去想办法。有了这个的话,医生就不用着去考虑药的问题,甚至有很多五花八门... Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio News

1 0

Olle Linge over 10 years

2014-03-11 锵锵三人行 梁文道:马航飞机无端失联 让人心悬

A discussion about the recent disappearance of the Malaysia Airways flight. 锵锵三人行 is one of my favourite programs, always good content and the host is awesome. There are transcripts available, too. Read more.


Advanced Listening Resource-highlights Audio News Video

1 0

Olle Linge over 10 years