maayot is a chinese mandarin graded reader to receive on a daily basis a story with rather engaging content. New stories are received directly by email. On click of a character in the story, it opens a dictionary for viewing or adding to Skritter. It features a daily native recording of the story along with a quiz and open-ended question.
Maayot - Bite-size daily Chinese Mandarin stories to your inbox
Submitted by fluencyyy on 12 July, 2020 18:10
Beginner Intermediate Listening Reading Chinese-in-context Tools-and-Apps Resource-collections Podcast
Liked by fluencyyy, Marc Ike, Brendan o'Connor, Giselle Moss, Carla Swan, Gavin O'Leary, Thomas, wongchiyuen, phuoctuan54, Dariya, quack 嘎本, Swimmingcat59, Saul, 黎奇迹, lovanvo, and 喜悦

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