Chinese speaking challenge, April 2024

Focus on improving your speaking ability, including fluency, pronunciation and much more. See the challenge article for more information and inspiration!

Recent activities

60 minutes

30 min Amazing Talker lesson, plus 30 min preparation for lesson

Wednesday, Apr 17

Nick Dee
60 minutes

I'm focusing in the pronunciation, repeting sentences, some shadowing videos and I had a conversation with my teacher today.

Wednesday, Apr 17

Maria Clara Fontes
30 minutes

Seven-minute Chinese 201; work on karoake of Jay Chou songs & OST Journey to Love.

Wednesday, Apr 17

30 minutes

Learning new vocabulary, speaking out loud focusing in get the tones right.

Wednesday, Apr 17

Maria Clara Fontes
30 minutes

Reading some du chinese aloud focussing on my tones and imitating the recording.

Tuesday, Apr 16

30 minutes

Same same. I paid attention to real time talking, not just “maybe about X minutes”. 30 minutes is a very long time indeed.

Tuesday, Apr 16

Tikaf Viper
59 minutes

While doing my car inspection and check up I was recording and talking to myself with my ANKI phrases! AWESOME!

Tuesday, Apr 16

Cliff Larsen
30 minutes

Daily conversation with taxi and language partner

Tuesday, Apr 16

Tikaf Viper
15 minutes

Language exchange

Tuesday, Apr 16

15 minutes

audio book repeat

Monday, Apr 15

30 minutes

talking with patients: explaining surgery arrangements, giving path test instructions etc

Monday, Apr 15

50 minutes

shadowing yt video

Monday, Apr 15

10 minutes

Ooops. Didn't do a good job today! Tomorrow back on track!

Monday, Apr 15

Cliff Larsen
90 minutes

While studying new vocabulary, I read the example sentences aloud and was speaking the sentences I made with the new vocabulary, focusing in the pronounciation.

Monday, Apr 15

Maria Clara Fontes
15 minutes

repeated phrases from an audio book

Sunday, Apr 14


Oscar Schott joined the challenge!

Sunday, Apr 14

Oscar Schott
52 minutes

Long call and discussion on wechat with mother and father in law.

Sunday, Apr 14

Cliff Larsen
20 minutes

One to one with Preply tutor. Didn't get to do as much speaking as I had hoped! Also read a Duchinese article out loud.

Sunday, Apr 14

180 minutes

7 minute Chinese, multiple lessons; conversation with language partner. This is a several-day total since I've been too busy to post. 我很忙!

Saturday, Apr 13

30 minutes

using voice input for translation app

Saturday, Apr 13

30 minutes

Spoke with some friends

Saturday, Apr 13

90 minutes

I had some Chinese friends at home today, thus some speaking practice.

Saturday, Apr 13

Tikaf Viper

貝琪 joined the challenge!

Saturday, Apr 13


Chris Kasper joined the challenge!

Saturday, Apr 13

Chris Kasper
17 minutes

Mango Languagea speech exercises again, focused on getting the cadence to match the voice samples.

Saturday, Apr 13



Hours reported99.52
DurationApril 10, 2024 to
April 30, 2024 (21 days)