Speaking Challenge, December 2017
Recent activities
Sentence 13: 我知道我将面对许多寂寞的夜晚。"I know I'll face a lot of lonely nights." This is a difficult sentence to mimic. To be continued in 2018.

Raymond Moy
Sentence 13: 我相信你一定会了解。"I believe you'll definitely understand." This is the last sentence I will do for the challenge, but I'm going to continue until I get to the end of this song; just another 5...

Raymond Moy
Sentences 11 & 12. 亲爱的你哦,我不知道。"Dearest you, I just don't know." 该怎么向你道别。"How to say goodbye to you?" These were easy to mimic. I sure hope I can use them in a conversation.

Raymond Moy
Sentence 10: 我知道我将永远不孤单。"I know I'll never be lonely." This sentence was difficult to mimic.

Raymond Moy
Sentences 8 & 9: 亲爱的爸爸亲爱的妈妈。"Dear Father, dear Mother." 我的爱和我的家。"My love and my family." These sentences were rather easy to say and memorize, but they sound really sappy to me.

Raymond Moy
Did three more self-translations and logged and reviewed on Anki. Listened to one hour of VOA while driving back home from my parents, does that count?? I've not added it to the time here.

Chris Webster
PaoLuo Bai joined the challenge!

PaoLuo Bai




Didn't have time to login yesterday due to Christmas holiday activities - ran out of time. But today I got back on track with a new sentence: 也所以梦想才会被叫做梦想。 "And that is why dreams are only called ...

Raymond Moy
Did 3 self-translations of a one-minute recording talking about how my day went and general reflections on life etc. I find this to be really effective in recognising what my "pet phrases" are when...

Chris Webster
Reviewed sentence 6 while shoveling White Christmas snow - haha. Work and study together. Started Sentence 7: 许多痛苦和悲伤。"A lot of pain and sorrow." What an appropriate phrase after shoveling snow!

Raymond Moy
Your Chinese word of the day 23.12.17 is: 高速公路 高速公路 - highway 今天早上高速公路上的交通状况正常。Traffic conditions on the highway are normal this morning. 一旦上了高速,我们就能开得更快了。We will be able to drive faster once w...

Chinese Word of the Day 24.12.17 Practice saying 小型摩托车 - scooter 在希腊,我们租了小摩托骑去镇上玩。In Greece, we rented scooters and drove around town. 那个女的在骑一辆黄色的小摩托车。The woman is riding a yellow scooter. 电动...


Sentence 6: 我知道前方有大风大浪。"I know that there are great storms ahead." I really have to work on making my 2nd tone words more emphatic. Just got some coaching from my sister-in-law.

Raymond Moy
Today was review day to try to fix in my brain sentences 1-5 said without reference to the text, and fluently. Not there yet because I have to pause between sentences, but getting to say each sent...

Raymond Moy
Sreenivasa joined the challenge!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ATpUBZdpt4 Mimicking this video. Good fun!

James Lester
Sentence 5: 我们要头也不回地离开。"We must leave without looking back." Got fluent, but must commit to memory.

Raymond Moy
Sentence 3: repetition. Finally got it fluently. But still need to fix in my mind. Practice sentences 2 & 3.

Raymond Moy
4th sentence of song: 我们没有太多力气回头感伤。"We don't have enough energy to look back and feel sad." I am able to say this from memory fairly fluently, but need one more day to fix it in my mind. I don't t...

Raymond Moy
Did 20 minutes while cleaning the house and another random ten. Repetition is key.

Katharine Meeding
Rank | Score | Personal goal progress | ||
1. | ![]() | Raymond Moy | 19.84 | |
2. | ![]() | Gätlin | 18.94 | |
3. | ![]() | Joe | 8.5 | |
4. | ![]() | Katharine Meeding | 5.48 | |
5. | ![]() | Majiya | 4.0 | |
6. | ![]() | Manuela | 3.55 | |
7. | ![]() | Chris Webster | 2.75 | |
8. | ![]() | Jeremy | 2.13 | |
9. | ![]() | James Lester | 1.95 | |
10. | ![]() | Trisha | 1.0 | |
11. | ![]() | Hector Catrilef | 0.5 | |
12. | ![]() | mostafa | 0.08 |
Link | http://www.hackingchinese.c... |
Participants | 44 |
Hours reported | 68.72 |
Duration | December 01, 2017 to December 31, 2017 (31 days) |