Hacking Chinese Resources

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62 resources found.

Mandarin Friend 中文朋友 (explorations in Chinese grammar and vocabulary)

This blog provides in-depth explanations of some grammar and vocabulary topics in Mandarin Chinese. While there aren't a huge number of articles so far, there are enough to issue a general recommen... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Grammar Vocabulary Information-and-Advice Resource-collections Blog

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Olle Linge over 8 years

Speak Mandarin in 1000 words

This is a complete course with 100 lessons covering 1000 words. Each lesson contains video, text, vocabulary, grammar, exercises and much more. The course only covers traditional characters, but it... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Grammar Courses-and-textbooks Traditional-Characters Web

1 3

Olle Linge over 9 years

Learn Chinese Grammar Online

This site offers grammar lessons for free, divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced (although none are actually advanced). They offer lots of good examples for each pattern, which is great.... Read more.


Beginner Intermediate Grammar Courses-and-textbooks Resource-highlights

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Olle Linge over 9 years

Shanka 闪卡 Flashcards Web App (Handwriting Chinese - BETA)

Shanka 闪卡 Flashcards Web App, is a free online tool that allows you to practice your handwriting. More Information can be found here: http://www.hskhsk.com/shanka.html Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Writing Tools-and-Apps Handwriting

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lazylink over 9 years

Iteration marks in Chinese (Wikipedia)

Have you ever wondered what a small 二 or weird symbols that look like 〻 or 々 mean in Chinese handwriting? These aren't characters you normally find in printed books, but they do exist in handwritin... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Reading Writing Information-and-Advice Characters Handwriting

1 0

Olle Linge almost 10 years

Jason D. Patent on "An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics" by Perry Link

This is a review of Perry Link's book about Chinese. This passage sums it up pretty well, and although I haven't read the book (yet), it's high on my list of books to get my hands on: "In writin... Read more.


Advanced Intermediate Chinese-in-context Grammar Vocabulary Resource-highlights Book Research Review

1 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Chinese Grammar Wiki

This is the best grammar resource available online. In essence, it's a collection of a number of resources (some of which are only available in Chinese) presented online and in English, neatly stru... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Grammar Web

1 0

Olle Linge almost 11 years

Visual Chinese Search

A search tool for finding visually similar Chinese characters. Input a Chinese character and see a list of other characters that look roughly the same. The tool also offers character decomposition ... Read more.


Advanced Beginner Intermediate Reading Writing Tools-and-Apps Characters Online-Tool Simplified-Characters Web

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Kevin Bullaughey over 7 years